Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Women Do Think

We are thinkers. May it be thoughts of "OOOO I wonder if it's going to rain today?" or "OOOO Does that man eat too much because it's depressed" or even "OOOO I wonder if that ant's going to die today?".

So here I was sitting down with my dad watching television and honestly for a second there I spaced out. Like I just blanked. I was not thinking about anything. And I suppose my dad did too because my mum walks in and asks, "Why are the two of you'll watching the chinese channel?"

I shake my head and look at the screen and realise there's some weird lovey dovey drama going on. My dad looks as equally blur as me. Then my mum asks us, "What were the two of you'll thinking about?"

And we both replied, "Nothing." And she didn't believe us.

"Can't be. You'll looked as though you'll were thinking about something important because there was a look of concentration on your face."

"aaaa...mum I really wasn't thinking about anything." I get up and leave for my room leaving my dad to deal with my mum who insisted the two of us were hiding something from her.

So I switch on my laptop and start surfing the net for new songs on youtube and stumble upon russel peters. I hadn't watched his clips in a long time so I thought, "Hey, why don't I watch one of his newer clips!" And lo and behold, I found this.

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