Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Wrong Girl

Remember the first time you saw her? That girl; the one who made your heart skip a beat? Yeah her. Seems like a million years ago doesn't it? The first time you had sweaty palms and you couldn't breathe properly. Or when you struggled to say the right charming words to her only to have nonsensical incoherent words such as "um...ah...Hi." fall from your lips. Remember that one moment when you were walking alone down the corridors of your school and you happened to see her with her friends. Do you remember what happened next?

You held your head high and straightened your back. You pulled out your phone, clicked a few random buttons before chucking it back into your pocket as you walked by her and just...just barely glanced at her (even though you were dying to stare at her for hours on length) and smiled a whaz-up-girl-i'm-just-chillin-in-the-hallways smile.

Yeah...that didn't happen, did it? Instead as you were walking by her you channeled the klutz energy of the world and practically tripped over your own foot and barely...just barely caught yourself, ignoring her and praying to god she didn't see that. God, did that day suck. You went home and chastised yourself for making that fundamental mistake and everyday after that you hoped she hadn't already branded you as the klutz of the school.

Beyond that every second you spent with her was a memory you stored away for future refrences. You tried to say witty things before her. Most of the time you succeeded and she'd laugh at your jokes making you puff out your chest like a lion preening before his mate. But then other times, she'd just give you a polite smile and you wonder if you did or said something wrong. And you begin to review every single action just so you can pinpoint the problem. But the thing is, the only 'wrong' thing you did... was to 'like' her.

You see, she started sensing you're feelings for her. Tiny hints that you dropped here and there, she caught them. Oh yes she did. She wasn't dumb. She was just good and covering up her reactions. So she thought instead of coming to a moment where you would confess and she would have to reject you, she'd just avoid the whole ordeal by setting boundaries.

But you were young and you didn't get it back then. So those didn't see them. So it went on like this for awhile and soon you found yourself feeling confused and most of all hurt. Didn't she like you? What was wrong with you? What did that guy, whom she flirted with, have that you didn't have? What did you have to do to make her like you that way? What could you do?

Honestly, nothing. She just was....the wrong girl.

Then you finished school and you saw the crush for what it was.... a crush. So you shrugged your shoulders, dusted off those times and told yourself you were going to find the right girl. And she was going to love you for you. A year went by and nothing happened. Oh some girls came and went but none for whom you had any strong affection for.

And then she came along. Oh she! She with her witty comments and her intelligent mind. She with her outspoken ways and loving manners! She with get it.

So you decided to court her as knights of the old would have. If your group of friends decided to meet up, you'd meet up with her earlier so that you guys could have a conversation alone. And she went along with you! She seemed to enjoy your company and she laughed at all your jokes...sometimes louder and longer than the joke's expectancy was supposed to be....but that's not the point! The point is the two of you got along so well!

Soon she was dropping hints of wanting more from the friendship and you were pleased. Because here, for the first time was a girl was reciprocating your feelings. You pinch yourself to make sure it's real and then you decide to go in for the kill (ignore the murder-like connotation). You decide you want to propose to her. So you start turning group outings into dates. The two of you spend more time alone and evantually you are at a position where there is nothing left to do but propose.

Being the knight in shinning armour that you are, you decide to make it romantic and you plan the whole thing out. There's dinner, then a romantic walk and then you lovingly hold her in your arms and ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?" And she looks up into your eyes and smiles adoringly (all this while, the theme song of titanic plays in the background) and whispers....."Yes."

And that one word makes your heart skip like it never did before. The two of you share a kiss and as you hold her in your arms, you make a promise that you'll treasure this girl forever and protect her from the dangers of the world.

That lasted for at least a year.

You see, the two of you enjoyed your honeymoon period for awhile. She called you late at night, you called her late at night. The two of you talked until someone fell asleep on the phone if not you'll would play the ever present lover's game of "No you hang up first....No you....No you go first....Okay fine, let's count to three and we'll both put down the, two, three!......hello...haha Come on! You were supposed to put down the phone...You go first....No you...." Yes. Well. You get it. It is a horridly annoying game but when you are in love, it surprisingly becomes fun to play.

Other than that, the two of you were inseperable. You'll would text lovey dovey messages to one another. You would share your food and drinks with her. You would eat what she liked. The two of you would hold hands wherever you went....and that was everywhere. And she'd cuddle up to you on bus rides and you'd feel all man and powerful.

But shit happens.

You guys just grew apart....some might say you changed....or she changed...or you both did. Others might say...the two of you just got into a relationship too fast. But what do they know? It's not like they were ever in a long lasting relationship. So they were just giving opinions based on pure logic. But you. You experienced it. And you knew what went wrong and what went right. Even if it took you awhile to realise. So what was it? What went wrong? What did she do that caused the break up? What did you do? What could the both of you have done to save the relationship? Could you have done anything?

The truth She just was.....the wrong girl.

So after awhile of mourning and self pity and long long painfully long calls with your friends, you decide it's time to move on. You begin to enjoy yourself once again. You don't think about her much....I said much. You still did think about her. Just not that much. But you were moving on....slowly.
Time passed, a year or so, and you were back. You loved life and you were looking forward to finding the girl you would come to love. Because you believed that you had learnt from your mistakes and would be able to make better decisions.

But time went by and you made more friends but none were potential girlfriends. After awhile you didn't care. You told yourself that if she came along...that brilliant. If she didn't then she evantually would. But you were not hard up for a girl.

But then she came along. And your heart skipped a beat.

This time, it wasn't a "Holy Mother Mary! I'm in love!" kind of situation. This time, the feelings crept up on you slowly and unexpectedly. She was not what you imagined but you liked her for her quirks. She seemed different and she was vulnerable. And you really liked her sense of humour; different it was from most others. But you liked it. But a relationship was not what you had in mind...yet. You wanted to get to know her better so you hung out with her and she with you.

Soon you realised that despite what others said, the two of you had alot in common and you both enjoyed each other's company. As the year went by your feelings for her grew but you never told her of them because you knew she was fragile and you didn't want to make things worse for her. So, being the nice guy that you are, you held back. soon became the 'friend'. You know....the guy who the girl calls to talk to when she's bored, hurt, bored, drunk, bored, get the picture. You were confused....again. You thought to yourself, "I shouldn't be confused. I should have my shit together. I should know what to do." But alas. You are mere mortal. Hence you didn't know what to do.

So this went on for awhile. And you soon became restless. You soon decide that you wanted more. So you garner up your confidence and courage and talk to her.

It didn't go so well.

Turns out she didn't like you that way....but she treasured your frienship. GOD DAMN IT! WHY!?!?!?! WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?! You curse inside and stare at her stoically on the outside. You appear calm on the exterior but inside, you were loading your AK-47 and shooting down every god damn girl that ever lived to torture your very soul. So as you nod your head in understanding and attempt to explain this to her, in your head, you went on a complete killing spree and even managed to throw some grenades around to destroy several romantic buildings such as the Eiffel tower and the Taj Mahal.


You smile at her and say it's okay. The two of you will be friends.

It wasn't easy. You still liked her. But you were trying. You knew that it was a lost cause and you did treaure her friendship so you tried.

But you couldn't help but wonder, "What did I do wrong?", "Should I have asked her way earlier?", "Is it her?", "Am I not her type?", "Does she like someone else?", "Could I have done anything better?", "What was it?"

The truth? Nothing. She was just....the wrong girl.

It's going to happen. You're going to make a mistake. You're going to want the wrong thing. You're going to hate yourself. You're going to question your every move and you're going to have a million bad memories.
But it's okay. You're only human.
And it's not that those girls were bad or you'll shared horrid memories. You had good memories with them and they were nice. They were just the wrong girl. Sometimes it takes you a million mistakes to then make the right choice. And when you do. It's going to be worth it.

Because then, you would have met the Right Girl.

Monday, June 27, 2011

MRT Seats

The above link leads to a news article written on yahoo about a girl who was accused of not giving up her seat to an elderly person. And as the article suggests, this is not the first time that has happened. Other youths or adults have similarly not given up their seat. The horrid, devious and heartless people!


Sometimes I truly believe we Singaporeans have nothing better to do with our lives. Seriously? For the love of god! If a person did not give up a seat, tell them!

What happened to good old 'straight forwardness'!!!! Simply, tap the person on the shoulders and politely say, "Ma'am (or sir if it is a male ofcourse) this person requires a seat. Do you mind giving it up?"

Shockingly hard isn't it? I suppose the act of touching a fellow human being is what turns off most people.

And if the person even in that situation refuses to give up his or her seat, then trust me on this, someone else will. Because compassion and respect, although forgotten in the midst of globalisation are traits that still exist and will surface in such situations. And the person who didn't give up the seat? Well he or she will receieve scathing looks and harsh comments aimed at him or her. So why bother posting up an article about the person? It just makes you mean and petty.

But that's not the point of this article. The point is that instead of dishing out judgements online or anywhere else, please offer a person the option of proving him or herself. That makes you a better person for actually trying to get the other human to make the right decision.

Make sense?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Love As I Know It

So here's something I rarely talk about; love. And even if I do, I don't think I have a believable set of ideas of what it should be. I mean I can sprout some pretty logical stuff but in all honesty, I have absoultely and I mean ABSOULTELY no idea what love is.

I've had friends who complain about not finding the right guy or girl or friends who are in relationships and seem so sure about their relationships and then those who simply get lost in the realm of love.

And me? I'm one of those who stand on the sidelines, popcorn in hand, body tensed, watching those who dare or are stupid enough to take the plunge into that ocean  called 'love' (cliche I know but just roll with me) where they are pushed, pulled, tugged and tossed about as though a storm was taking place (yeah...I thought if I completed the sentence it'd be better but it sounds so corny lol)

(I thought the picture might know evoke emotions...about storms...and the tossing part...and...forget it.)

Anyways, love is really that; a storm. I mean there's so much emotional turmoil and so much mayhem involved in the process. But I can go on and on about love and there'd be a wide variety of sub headings to discuss. So, to narrow it down, I'm going to list 5 reasons why I don't want to fall in love and 5 reasons why I love the idea of love. Contradictory I know. But hey, in life we tend to have opposing perspectives about everything and this is just another grey area. Besides I'm not alone in this situation. There's plenty of you out there who probably feel the same way as I do....I think.

So back to the matter at are the 2 lists.


1) I'm commitment phobic.
Yeah yeah. It's a line many of you have probably heard before and it's mostly from guys. But us girls, well some of us, have commitment issues. I don't want to get into a relationship because I'm afraid I can't give enough of myself to a guy or atleast give him as much as he gives me. Because I'm the kind of person who doesn't expect anything from anyone. I don't expect someone to follow me when I go somewhere or be there when I'm sad or talk to me when I'm feeling bored. So I don't want to be in a situation where a guy thinks he needs to do things for me because then I feel like I owe him something back; like I'm committed to him.
2) I don't want to experience the Pain I've seen others go through.
Pathetic yes. Stupid no. I've had friends who have been so many times by love that they can't seem to trust anyone else after that. I don't want to have to go through life altering, mind changing situations although I know I won't be able to prevent it from happening in the future. I suppose I am the wary sort. Stay at the bleachers and don't get involved in the game. That way, you won't know the pain of the game but at the same time, you won't know how good you are at the game.

3) Can't Stand Phone Conversations.
I don't really want to sit all day long and listen to him prattle on about his day. Unless he's a famous adventurer who goes on daring escapades and fashions stories for me to listen. Then, I'd listen : )

4) Emotions= Mess
It's true. Don't deny it. But I have friends who are the epitome of masters of emotions. Maybe they're not gurus of it but they do believe emotions are good and that it's not wrong to express it and harness that emotion. But for me, emotions means a mess. I don't want to be a mess because of someone else. I rather be in control....yes I'm a control freak.

5) I'm a Coward
I'll admit to that. Being in love means opening up yourself to that other person and letting them in completely. And that's not something I'm comfortable with! It's cowardly I accept but I just can't do it. It's like exposing yourself and allowing yourself to get hurt. Seriously, people who do so are either brave brave souls or dumb asses.

List 2:

1) Because every girl dreams of her prince charming.
He may not be a knight on a horse or a guy with a castle but he's a man who loves his woman dearly and will do whatever it takes to protect her and love her. He is strong and silent. I'm not talking about a man who broods (although that's attractive in another way ; ) ). I mean a man who is calm and poised and who can take charge of a situation. He knows his own worth and  is does not step back down from a challenge.

2) Because love means there's some sort of happy ending for you.
It's nice to think I'd get my 16 candle ending or a scene from Ghosts of Girlfriend's past:

3) I've seen people who are truly in love and watching them makes love seem amazing and possible for us common folk.

4) Movies. Yes. I blame them because they plant ideas in your head such as running along a beach can be romantic or montages of love scenes in your life is realistic or kissing in the rain is know what I mean.

5) It means you won't grow old and die alone.
Morbid but oh so very true.

So those are my lists. There's actually many more points but unless I'm asked to, I'm not going to carry on writing all of them out.

And I don't know when I'll fall in love for the first time or have my 1st kiss or even if it will happen. Heck, I'm not even sure I'll work up the courage to admit to someone I'm crushing on that I like them. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, is if Hugh Jackman were single and available, I'd be the first one in the line to snare him.

Good day folks : )

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Back!!!

And sorry for disappearing from my blog for nearly a month. My apologies. Life has a way of getting one wrapped around her finger so tightly it's difficult to pull away for a private moment or two. But I've managed to swindle some time for myself to post in my neglected blog.

So what's been happening? Well lots. Getting back to school was hard at first but after awhile I got back into the swing of things and I started remembering how to thrive in a crazy study environment. I'm surrounded by perfectionists and high achievers. I mean considering how 3/4 of them want to get into medicine, it comes as no surprise because your final score has to be close to perfect. Which is why I'm on 7th Heaven right now because I just got back my 3rd chem test results and I got FULL MARKS again baby!!! Meaning my chemistry score is at a 100% with no loss in mark. I might consider taking up medicine now....haha

So what else has been happening? Well my writing skills are coming back to me. I'm begining to write confidently once again without any hesitation or fear. It's an amazing feeling when your pen touches the paper and you are in utter confidence of what you are writing. The feeling is awesome as any fellow writer would agree.

Other than that, it was a long weekend last week. Started on Friday and ended this Tuesday. It was because of Easter Day and ANZAC day (An Australian and New Zealand holiday). Oh and by the way. I just only recently came to the realisation that New Zealand was bloody close to Australia...I'm such a dimwit.

So for the long holidays, together with my newfound friends here in Melbourne, I went city touring.

First we went to the Melbourne museum:

Then after that, we went down to Federation Square (It's something like Esplanade except smaller). There were tons of outdoor comedy shows because of the International Comedy Festival being held here now. We watched two shows for FREE (that's the Singaporean in me screaming) and then we went to take pictures of graffitti which I must say now is EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE. Melbourne is literally coated with graffiti.

After that, we went down to Lygon street which contains all sorts of Italian restaurants. After 10 minutes of walking around, being promised to be well taken care of by the Italian bosses in true hustler fashion, we chose one of the restuarants. I prayed to the food gods that my dish would be awesome because my taste palettes needed to be whetted. And they answered! My rissoto was heavenly!!! Even after I became full half way through, I kept stuffing another spoonful into my mouth, unable to stop myself XD (And yes I've put on weight.)

After that we decided to go home. But we stumbled upon a quaint rooftop bar near our place and there was a comedy show titled "Dirty Secrets". We just had to watch it. So our night ended with that : )

The next day, we went out to the beach:
This is the Saint Kilda beach. There are other nice pictures. But they're all on can check them out there : )

So my weekend went awesomely well. I really enjoyed seeing Melbourne from the native's point of view instead of as a tourist. It actually makes a helluva lot of difference because by staying amongst them, you see places and visit places you normally wouldn't if you were staying at a hotel.'s 12.30am here and I'm feeling exceedingly lazy. So I'm gonna go sleep and I'll post soon. I really promise : )

PS: And 19 more days till I can eat fastfood and drink pepsi and coke!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I know I know. The title is quite 'drama mama' considering how this won't be the only post of me being in Australia because of the number of years of study I have left ahead. But it still feels special to me become I'm not yet accustomed to the culture and more importantly weather here.

Anywhos, to give a quick breakdown, I left Singapore on the 19th of March at about 9pm and was seen of by my friends who honestly made it bittersweet for me. My family members were there as well and I remember as I walked into the terminal and turned one last time to face them (Ravin's shout for me to turn around could not be ignored), I felt a sense of loss because it was then that it clicked that I was not going to be on familiar ground once I landed in Australia. I have always been so used to being in charge of my surroundings, knowing what consequences my actions will call and having a group of people I know so well and they me in return. In Australia, I would have to start from scratch and though I was excited at that prospect, a part of me was hesitant because I was 21. Did I really want to start from scratch?

But there was no other choice. I was already boarding the flight (bootless by the way because I had to take off my boots at the customs.) and we were soon to take off. I was seated in the plane when I sneaked calls to my mum and messaged Prabs and basically trying to make everything seem normal. I suppose I wanted to delay the inevitable sense of loss of familiarity till the very end. If a call here and a message there would help, then by god, I woud do it.

The Prabs sent me this, "We're all standing in a line." I looked out to the left side, and there I saw, the only line at the window pane. I resisted raising my hand and waving to them knowing fully well that even if I started waving frantically, they would not see me because to them, my window was not large enough to see into and spot and differentiate faces. Then an idea implanted itself in my head. What if I used a lazer light and flashed it back forth, wouldn't they be able to see it? It was a stupid idea. I wondered if the Chinese Australian next to me had a lazer light.

Soon, the plane began to move off. All I coud do was watch the line of people fade away as the plane took off. Even in that plane, I thought I might die; that the plane might crash because I just couldn't picture my life in Australia. I really couldn't. I couldn't see myself walking through the streets and eating in the shops. I couldn't visualise myself shopping at the stores or even entering a bar.

But here I am.

Today I went to the Victoria market. Yesterday I went to 2 different shopping malls just to have Hot Thick Italian Milk Chocolate. Needless to say, as James put it, "It was the Sex." Or in my words, "A piece of heaven that just warms your inside in a bitter cold weather". James and I also walked by a peition that was going on outside the Melbourne State Library, "SIGN FOR SAME SEX MARRIAGE". I wanted to sign it. James pulled me away.

Two days back, during class break, my new friend Monisha and an even newer friend Simba (yes it's the name of the Lion from Lion King) from Africa went to eat sushi at a small restaurant near our school. Simba has never eaten sushi before and it was his first time using chopsticks. But boy did he become a pro after just 10 minutes of fiddling around with it. I felt like an idiot.

And then ofcourse there was yesterday night where we went to a club, "JetBlack". Monash students were there and we decided to go as well. Wow. It was lame except for the stunt someone pulled and if you would like to know about that stunt, you may call me or text me and I shall bequeath upon you the torrid details ; ) Anyways, we didn't do much there but I have a ink stamp on my right wrist of them club's emblem and it refuses to come off!!!! Damn it.

Oh and to get to the club....okay let me first explain it's location. I live in the city. Which is like Orchard in Singapore. James lives in Boon Lay and Raj in Pasir Ris. This club is at City Hall. So, we took a cab out because it was at 2am. Then, we wanted to come back, flagging down a cab wasn't easy, so we waited until suddenly this car pulled up and an international student offered to drive us back into the city for 18 bucks which is half of what we'd pay for a cab. Everyone was okay with except for rigid old me who was caught in between the joy of finally saying "I HITCHHIKED!" and "I'm sorry mum. I didn't know what I was doing getting into a complete strangers car."

I hitchhiked.

So that's been my week so far and I've got a test to study for so I'm going to end this post here.

Oh and I don't like people who keep saying Bless you everytime you sneeze. Say it once and stop! You make me feel horrible for sneezing all the time because I feel like when you say "Bless you" Every Single Time, there's an underlining "Stupid girl! Sneezing all the time" undertone to it.

So please. Just say "Bless you" once and stop. Because it just annoys me. And when I'm sneezing and get annoying, my reflexes go spastic and I might punch you.

Peace out : )

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapters Of Love; A Valentine's Story

On the 12 of February, I got to direct an amazing cast and crew of people. This production meant so much to me and everyone who worked in it. We accomplished everything within a span of a month and the result was amazing. As I walk with my friends who came to watch the play, I still hear lines from the play being repeated as the laugh at the characters who sprouted their jokes so well.

"Chapters of Love; A Valentine's Story" started of as just a play but ended up being a huge mark for all of us and Arteen Furteens:
We have now proven that we are capable of producing quality small plays that endear the audience to the characters we are portraying. There has never been a greater accomplishment for me and I have the cast and crew of the show to thank.

To my cast: 

Sameer, Cheryl, KC, Nicole, Jazreel, Melissa, Kishan, Serena, Mustafah, Kristine, Colin, Luke and Syawal who all brought their own flavour to the character. You made the play fantastic and drew the audience of 57 to fall in love with you'll.

To my crew:

Publicity Department: Palani Raj, Bhavna and Ghau. Oh my god. The pictues were amazing, the posters wonderful and the programs brilliant : ) What more can I say?

Props Department: Kanages and Nanthinie! Brilliant job you guys. You made with what little budget we had and made that small stage look cozily wonderful. And that's not from my mouth. It's from the audiences : )

Dance Department: Christine! You were fantastic. You stepped up to the plate and choreographed and disciplined the dancers and produced a dance that no one will forget anytime soon!

Music: Prabs and Cheryl! Prabs thank you for managing the music well and for performing together with Luke and Nicole! Cheryl, thank you for bringing your own original song to the table!

Who raised enough funds to donate to the Children's Cancer Foundation : ) And we had more than the expected audiences. I look forward to watching this production being put up again because for all those of you who missed it, you have definitely missed out on a night full of fun, laughter, tears an smiles : )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peter Pan & Chapters of Love


Well that about sums it up.

It's been a long weekend stretching into Monday and Tuesday and it's going to be a long week as well.. Last Thursday was when it all started. I got up in the morning and went for Thaipusam (A Hindu festival) to support a friend of mine who was carrying kavadi (Basically this beautifully decorated altar-like stand that the person carries above them with peircings through their back, front and sometimes face). So we walked and we walked and we basically walked.

After that, went back home at about 4pm and rested abit before heading down to watch "Phases" a production by students from NAFA. It was Nicole's school production and it was definitely worth watching because the short plays were thought provoking.

Anyways, got back home and woke up the next day bright and early so as to finish off the "Chapters of Love: A Valentine's Story" script. It's basically a production Arteen Furteens (AFT) is doing to raise funds for a charitable organisation. I can't really name the organisation yet due to legal issues and so on. So...I'll wait for confirmation from their side before I state the beneficary. It means alot to me to be raising the funds for this particular foundation so this production is of high importance to me.The script comprises of several love stories all intertwined into one.

So anyways back to the topic at hand, I completed the script at 5pm and by then, I had to make my way down to the CC to start printing the new copies of the scripts. Then rehearsals for this production started at 7pm and we ended at 10pm.

My Saturday then started off with rehearsals for the Peter Pan production from 9am all the way to 5pm. After that, I rushed down to watch "Guru of Chai" which I must say is a brilliantly well acted play. The solo actor performed for the entire 75minutes without breaking out of character once. His easy portrayal of different personalities was simply mind boggling and I vow that at one moment during the play, I almost believed he was someone else despite the fact that he was garbed in the same attire the entire time.

Anyways, after that I went out for dinner with those who went to watch the show, we went to drop Bhavna home and that's when we lost our way from Tampines all the way to Woodlands. I had never been so agitated before! I tried to keep my mouth shut but my sarcastic tongue got the better of me...and well I went home not in the best of moods...when your cup (a symbolism for life) is filled up with all the good things in life, someone WILL come along and piss in- Guru of Chai.

Anyways, when I got home, my two nephews were already asleep! I felt like killing myself for missing the opportunity to spend time with them. With the knowledge that I won't be able to see them the next day because I had to leave the house early, I went to asleep ready to perform suicide.

Sunday morning came and I woke up at 6.30am (I just love giving the mundane details). AND TO MY JOY, HARESH AND AVINESH (MY NEWPHEWS) WERE AWAKE!!!! I managed to play with them for an hour before I left with my mum to Woodlands Waterfront for Resident's Day. I met up with the AFT group; Serena, Prabs, Yoga, Naathan and Sameer. I had awesome fun sketching for small kids, playing traditional games like "5 stones", desiging bookmarks and watching performances. After that, my mum and I headed over to my cousin's new house for the house warming. We left later in the day and when I got home, I was already to collapse in fatigue.

Monday started early as well. I met up with Prabs and we went down to Art Friends to purchase several "HEAVY" products to build sets for the "Peter Pan-Revamped" Production. We then dragged all the purchases back to the CC. We ate abit before we started building the rowboat. Here's how it looks without paint:
It's not much of a picture. We've yet to paint it so DON'T JUDGE : )
Those two telescope looking things beside it are the cannons...also incomplete.

And here's some pictures of the roll by scene we're doing for the Flying scene in Peter Pan:

We're colouring the entire thing out of crayons...I think I have arm muscles now.

So then I went home and the next day, which was yesterday, I got up early, went to the bank, settled some bank transfers and then went down to the CC again. Prabs and I completed 4 cannons and I finished drawing the roll overs. We then ate and rehearsals for "Chapters of Love: A Valentine's Story" began at 7pm. It ended at 10pm and let me tell you, those 3 hours went by so fast, I felt like getting down on my knees and begging for more time.

And now I'm home reflecting on the 6 days that have gone by so fast. I feel like I'm a day behind though. I need to speed myself up tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In The Magazine

I thought I would log in here at the stroke of midnight when 2011 was declared to post a lengthy speech on why things are going to change. But actions mean alot more and I didn't need to write out what I felt for me to feel it would come true.
I feel the change and I know I'm in control of everything that happens from here on out so I'm not worried about 2011 and the years to come. I'm more excited about them.

So let me get back to the title of my post! I'm in a magazine. But we can all calm down. It's not some top notch fashion magazine ; ) It's the passion card magazine. Here's the link: Passion Card Magazine

They basically selected 5 different interest groups and a youth each to do a photoshoot for the cover and a spread within the sheets. They talked about Arteen Furteens!!! It's exciting to know that more and more people will know about us because it makes it even more worthwhile when we spread the message of Arts is for Everyone.