Friday, February 26, 2010

Blogs That Caught My Eye Part 1

Ah hell. I told myself I shouldn't do this but my willpower is fading at the prospect of sharing these blogs with you.

Some of these blogs are well written and present well phrased arguments while some of the others are just blatantly ridiculous and honestly gave me a headache if I was not busy laughing. I'm just going to put 2 up first and I'll put up the rest some other time. I do so love to procrastinate.

So here's the first one: Ah Lians And before you click on it and escape from my awesome clutches, yes, the blog is all about Ah Lians. From the definition of what the word means to the style of walking, their fashion sense and even in some odd twisted way, their behavioral patterns. At first, I thought to myself, "Are you seriously kidding me? I bunch of people (3 people actually) started a blog to discuss Ah Lians. I was honestly amused at first until I began to read some of their better posts. They are well thought out arguments and are pretty witty. (Heh. That just rhymed.) Anywhos, check it out and trust me you'll find i hilarious.

Now here's the 2nd one: Badly Written English Don't worry that's not the real title of his blog. I'm just creating links and placing words that best describes the blog. And you know what don't take my word for it. Read this snippet from his blog...

"Today I go out with my zabor. Her name is Ai Pia.
As usual we just go to the staircase sio jim. Then knn one bastard use camera sneak behind us and take our lj picture. Limpei jitao dulan use handphone call my ginna tio him daiji."
I freaking went blind from trying to decipher what the heck he was trying to say. OH MY GOD! And if his English wasn't enough to make one gorge out one's eyes, his blog content was. He even has a registration form to become his 'ginna'! Whatever the hell that means. If anyone knows, inform me. Here's the post that shows his registration form to become his 'ginna': I want to become a Ginna.
What the hell right? I was actually abit taken aback at the registration form and then I thought to myself, "Does the police need to know about this?" Until I realised no one's that dumb to actually respond and if you did, wow. Really, wow.
I'm tired so I'm going to plop myself onto my bed and fall asleep. Did I mention that my room is now uber, sparkly clean. No thanks to me and all thanks to the hired maid my mum got. NIGHT!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bah Humbug

Damn the Singtel wireless thumbdrive. It's been giving me problems recently and has just slapped me right in the face. I wanted to upload my brother's game design cover for the youth Olympic games. It looks pretty cool and I thought to put it up here for all to see. But Singtel has other plans like crashing servers and whatnot. Bah!

So I shall attempt to upload the picture later again tonight and we'll see if it works then.

Anways, Happy Birthday Vani Akka and god forbid you look older than your age ; )

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yo woman! Welcome to the last part of your clue. I swear haha. So you've been to Colin's facebook account, Naathan's blog, Henry's youtube video, Yoga's blog and Serena's. Fun right!?! lol. And they all plus me simply want to wish you a....

Happy Birthday!!!

We're all glad you were born on this day.You're 21 now and maturity should come to you naturally...hopefully. Anyways, the clue to your final destination is in the post itself. So we'll see you there at 4pm. DON'T BE LATE!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

City Alive

At the end of it, listen to what the emcee comments about Singaporeans. Sadly, I agree.

So that was the preview for the CityAlive street dance/ flashmob thing that Colin and I are going to dance for as well. It's tomorrow at the F1 pitstop and tickets are at $12. It's the biggest street party in Singapore so if you are the partying kind, you should seriously drop by : )

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The reality of things is this:

We're all turning 21, an age of supposed maturity and wisdom. Seriously? Come on. Half the people at this age don't even know what the heck they're going to do with their lives let alone have messages of wisdom to pass on.

It's okay if now is the time we're slowly starting to figure things out. But it is not okay when we act like 15 year old kids who are just beginning to discover what responsibility is. You know why? We're 21. We're old. We've lived on this planet for 21 years people. Which is (21 x 365) days.

1) It's time to acknowledge and accept the responsibilities around us. Some are duties we don't even want. Heck! Do you think I love washing and drying and folding clothes!?! No! But I do it because it makes things at home easier and peaceful because it's one less chore to accomplish for the rest of the family and one less thing for my mum to worry about.

Like I said, there are duties that we don't want to take and they may seem unreasonable sometimes. Like when the rest of my siblings don't do their chores for the day and I'm completing mine every single time. Am I happy with them? No! But it doesn't matter because at the end of the day when my mum comes home and my siblings and I sit down for dinner, there's one less thing to worry about.

2) Performing your duty is not about whether it makes your happy or whether it is fair. It's about ensuring that ultimately at the end of the day, everyone is at peace with their surroundings. And strangely and oddly enough, that makes you happy because you were part of making that possible.


So the next time your parents say get back home now, don't argue with this comeback, "But my friend's parents lets him stay out till past midnight. Why do I have to be home by 11am?" Don't argue with that statement. However, if we decide to argue in another way, for example, "I'm 21 and old enough to decide when I stay out and when I come home!" STUPID ARGUMENT BY THE WAY!!! Most of us are still living with our parents at the age of 21. So unless we own your own apartment, that argument is dumb! Yeah we're 21 but no we don't decide what time we go home because we're not paying for the house!!! But if you are, then congratulations, you may proceed on and argue with that statement.

4) Also, at the ripe old age of 21, unless we've got a plan, we shouldn't go around doing anything else. WORK FIRST, ENJOY LATER! People. Do you want to be relaxing at the age of 35? Do you want to have a spouse with children, enjoying your life with money at the age of 40? Do you want to be able to afford anything without having to worry about the next day?

Well if you answered YES to the above questions, you need to mark out your plan.

Folks it's never too late or too early to construct a plan. And I don't mean a plan that will earn you millions of dollars. That takes time. I'm talking about the first step. Deciding where you want to be in 10 years time. Deciding what kind of person you want to be known as. Deciding what values are most important to you. And deciding who you can trust. Because you can only succeed in life if you surround yourself with positive people who promote positive thinking as well as encourage you. Please for the love of god, don't surround yourself with mocking fools who can only spew discouraging words veiled in cleverly constructed snide jokes. Then everyone laughs at you and you smile saying that's funny. Because these people are not going to get your far.

5) Also, expand your social network. That will help you fortify the plan you've created. Make more friends and build your contact base. I'm not saying we should have many many good friends. Good friends are only 1 or 2. Sometimes they are from your family and other times they are friends you found along the way. These are the people you can trust to cover your back just as how you know you will not hesitate to cover theirs. However, having multiple social circles is good because you expand your horizons and your knowledge. Meeting with different people teaches you how to deal with differing personalities as well as how to carry yourself in different company. It also allows you to become a better judge of character.

Don't be afraid to step out of your tight circle of friends to explore other possibilities. Set dinners with new people, go out for movies with other people. Your tight circle of friends will always be there if they really care for you. In fact, they would encourage you to expand your circle while doing the same as well.

6) And another thing, you are 21. So you're old enough to know what you like and what you dislike. So if you dislike something, say so. Don't keep it to yourself. Because if you tolerate a certain form of behaviour or activity despite not liking it, it's never going to go away. In fact, you're only going to get more and more miserable. Simply state, "Hey, I don't like it. So please stop." or "Hey I don't want to do this. I'm heading off." And if the group you're with argues that you're being a killjoy and you are boring, ummm....WALK AWAY! Good grief. You don't have to tolerate rubbish. Besides, it allows you to find something more fun to do.

7) Now's the perfect time to start doing new things, exploring new skills and discovering who you are. You cannot do that by doing the same old things every single day. Explore! Join new courses! Take chances! Take risks! If you want to see the world, you've got to step into it not stay hidden. Don't build a bubble around yourself and be contended with living in it. Some might argue and say what's wrong with wanting a simple life with just 10 to 20 people sharing it with you. Then I say, you should not be reading this post because it is meant for those who want something more from their lives.

8) Don't let your opinion or opinions of others hold you back. "I don't think I can." or "I think you have alittle bit of a problem in this area. You shouldn't do this now?" JUST GIVE IT A SHOT! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE FROM TRYING! SO TOUGHEN UP AND GO FOR IT! And if after trying you realise that your skills may not lie in that area, then it is okay. Move on. But if you enjoy doing it despite sucking at it, WHAT THE HELL IS STOPPING YOU!?! DO WHAT YOU LOVE!!! If you love singing and your voice sucks, JUST BLOODY SING WHEN YOU'RE WALKING DOWN THE STREET! If you love dancing but have no sense of beats whatsoever, JUST BLOODY DANCE IN YOUR ROOM OR WITH YOUR FRIENDS! And, if you love drawing but can't draw as well as the next person, JUST DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!

No one has the right to stop you or tell you that you can't do it. And if people want to comment and criticize, let them. It's their opinion. But don't surround yourself with people like that.

9) And please for your own sake, don't judge others. For example, we may have been educated well and brought up in an excellent family, speak well, carry ourselves well and even produce intelligent ideas. But if we are not hardworking and humble, the people who work at coffee shops and the delivery boys from Macdonalds are a 100X more brilliant than us. (I mentioned the delivery boys because one just cam and delivered my meal to my house.) But it is true.

Hardworking people are more deserving of respect than people who BELIEVE it is their right to be respected.

10) Last but not least, at the age of 21, you need to come to terms with your flaws as well as your strengths. Only by understanding your weaknesses and your strengths can you actually do something with your life. For example, yours truly used to alter herself to suit the different company. A chameleon you'd call it. If I was in a group of controlling people, I'd stop leading and just sit back and let them control the situation. If I was in a group of loud people, I'd try to match up to their level of enthusiasm. And so the list goes on. BUT YOU DON"T HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT. 

When we were children, we wanted to make everyone happy so pleasing people was at the top of our list. When someone was angry with us, we'd actually lose sleep over that thinking what we did and how we could pacify them as quickly as possible. But things change. As you grow older, you just want to be comfortable in your own skin and you want the people around you to be comfortable with who you are as well. So you have to stay true to your personality and there will be this handful of people who will stand by you. They don't require you to change your mood to suit theirs. They don't require calls every single day. They don't require you to inform them where you are. They don't require you to constantly do things to keep them happy. A call once a week. A dinner a fortnight. An outing once a month. These are the people you'll soon call your good friends. 

So I've decided to make a declaration and invite you to do the same. Just state, "MY DECLARATION OF 21", and go on ahead to list you strengths, your weaknesses, your likes and dislikes and at the end of it, write, "I'm 21 and I'm proud to say I've got a great future ahead of me." If you're not 21 and still want to declare...what the heck...just do it. It'll make you feel better : ) And if you don't want to declare anything, it's fine as well.


I'm strong-willed and fiercely independent. I hate being told what to do but agree that I have much to learn. I am a control freak who demands that things go her way and I'll only give in if your idea is better than mine. I love quiet time and don't require people's company 24/7. I am ambitious and can be bossy. I hate doing housework but do it because I must. I love playing the organ and hate it when people touch my instrument without permission. I don't like people knowing too much about me and prefer to keep half my life to myself. I hate liars and procrastinators. I respect hardworkers and people who know their own minds. I don't like it when people argue with me over a situation in which I was right. I like reading books, all sorts of books. I hate it when people answer for me when I'm more than capable of doing so myself unless ofcourse you're my personal secretary then go ahead. I love my family and they're the most important thing to me. I care for my friends and will defend them if the need arises. 

I'm 21 and I'm proud to say I've got a great future ahead of me.

My Brother's Birthday

To my brother, Praven, who looks like he can carry the entire world on his shoulders,

I want you to know that you are loved and cared for by your family and that you have a great future ahead of you. Time will only tell what great future you are going to achieve but till then, build your dreams and hone your skills. 17 is a brilliant age that is like the first step before the plunge off the cliff into manhood.

Okay...enough of that : ) On to the celebrations!!! My family and extended family went to Lagna, this restaurant at Upper Dickson road. You know what my literary skills are failing me at the moment so here are the pictures:

  That's my nephew trying to smile but ended up looking like a a....doesn't he look like Popeye?

Random picture again.

My mum and my niece, Yashinee. She's wearing this Kimono type dress.

You have to sit on the floor and eat. It's a nice atmosphere and is very relaxed.

That' Selvi, my cousin. (She's the one in pink) Beside her is my sister and next to her is my other cousin, Vani who so happens to be born in February as well. As such, my sister baked two oreo cheesecakes; one for my brother and one for Vani.


Trust me the cakes are awesomely delicious. 
The two of them cutting their cakes.
My sis' face seems to be glowing white right?

 Woohoo! Girl power.

Alright then folks. I'm tired and there's a meeting tomorrow morning so I'm going to fall onto my bed and sleep. Night folks.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentines Day

It was Valentines Day and it started off with my mum yelling in military fashion, "Get out off your beds and help me clean the house!" So we did. Thank god I had been the sick the night before so she wasn't as picky with me as compared to the rest. Either way I had to get my butt out of bed at 9am, shower and join the rest of the troops. My first task....fold clothes. Then followed a list of other chores we had to do. Shanty left after awhile for her date, leaving the rest of us to face my mother's wrath. Praven soon left for a music meeting with the department leaving me and the youngest, Prateepan. I then abandoned that poor thing to go watch a movie at Bugis, Lido Cinema. We went to watch "My Name Is Khan". 

But before that, we ate at...

Good old Pastamania. Sammer insisted I take a good shot of him. This was after 4 different shots...

Then, I ignored the lot of them and ate my food. And by the way, the entire group of us, Sameer, Naathan, Prabs, Kanitha and Yoga were actually rather quiet the entire meal. Anywho, this was my side dish...potato waffles or something like that...
  Awesomely crispy.

And observe this...Yoga sitting rather innocently beside Yoga...  But it was all just an act! He in fact wanted to....

YES KISS SAMEER! I don't think Sameer's the same after that kiss...I'm actually gagging right now. Naathan and Ravin, at least the two of you'll don't have such an incriminating picture. 

 Kanitha and Naathan promoting Pastamania.

Oh by the way, there's this awfully cool passport promotion thing going on at Pastamania. Basically, everytime you spend $10, they stick a Pastamania stamp in your Pastamania passport. At 2 stamps, you can redeem a plate of garlic breads, at 4 you can redeem a drink, at 6 you can redeem a chocolate mousse and at 8 you can redeem a $5 Pastamania voucher. I've already gone through an entire passport and am now halfway through the 2nd one. You know what this means? This Writer should start expanding her choices in food outlets. BUT I LOVE it's gonna be a tad hard to pry me away from that place.

Anyways, here's the picture of the street we were walking down...

And Naathan and Sameer just wanted a picture of themselves...again...with Naathan making a funny face...again.

Then at 8.40pm, we entered the theatre which by the way is hilarious because 

1) I now know where all the North Indians hide on a weekend. 

2) The theater looks like the indoor stadium.

3) There was a freaking stage at the screen.

4) We thought it might be "My Name Is Khan" on Ice. (courtesy of Prabs)

But when the movie started no one could pry their eyes of the screen because it is an amazing tale. And for the first time, I know what I'll remember my Valentines Day for, racial harmony or maybe the better way of phrasing it, A Compassionate Humanity.

"My Name Is Khan" follows the life of a man with a disorder that prevents him from socializing very well, he hates the colour yellow and gets scared from loud noises. However, he is sharp and intelligent and because of his mother's love, grew up to know that there is only 2 types of people in the world: Good people who do good deeds and Bad people who do bad deeds. Race is not a difference. It is simply a way of life.

It is a compelling movie that prompts you to think about what is important in your life and if you would behave the same way the character did. You follow Khan as he travels to find the President of the United States simply to convey a simple message, "My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist." All this because he lost a stepson who was killed for being a muslim, a result of the aftermath of the 9/11 attack.

Here in Singapore, the discrimination is there but I suppose the Muslims in America felt it worse. 

Here's the movie trailer...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

1 YEAR!!!

Yes folks,
it has been exactly a year since I first started this blog. Why the hell did I start a blog on Valentines Day? I have no idea. It was random. So anyways, it's nice to know that I've written here for a year but that's besides the point!

Let's talk about Valentines Day. Is it my favorite holiday? No. But I do like it for one reason, the CHOCOLATES!!!! lol

This is going to be a short post because I have other things to do: But here's a huge Huge HUGE!!!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


These kinds of beautiful masterpieces are hard to come by nowadays. Their storylines are brilliant because there is no distinct line between what could be right or wrong. And the settings for the stories are not pretty but do end up leaving people thinking about the concept.

Warm Fuzzy Feeling Day

Woohooo! My hair colour has changed or rather gone back to its original colour. No longer shall you flinch at the multiple shades of brown and random strands of gold in my hair. It is now going to be black, PITCH BLACK! YEAH BABY! NERD IS BACK! Ahem...this Writer is now going to return to her sophisticated manner of writing.

Today was the kind of day that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Got up at 8.30am, washed and dried clothes. Read the newspaper. Gave 2 tuition classes. Went for driving lesson (1 auto lesson) and finally met up with my siblings for dinner. Praven, gave us a treat because he got his pay. Awwwww : ) We ate at Swensens and sucked $84 of his money between the four us ; )

That's Praven. He paid for dinner and refuses for a proper picture to be taken of him. He has shaggy hair right?

2nd brother, Prateepan. He has a 'Yes..water is awesome and mind- numbing' look. And he cut the front of his fringe...hence the odd inward turn of his hair.

Praven's still avoiding the camera while drinking soup. 

Shanty, my sister, never camera shy. She's eating chicken baked rice.

And that's what I ate! Fillet fish with apricot sauce. OMG! It's crispy on the outside, tender and soft on the inside! Awesome dish.
We each bought a dish and then topped up $5 to make it a meal. You can do so after 6pm. The top up gives you a soup (which is absolutely delicious), a single scoop of ice-cream (flavour of your choice) and a drink.

Awsomeness! And when we went to pay for our dinner, because it was Chinese New Year, they had some kind of a draw. So the four of us were given a turn each to pick out a piece of paper from a box. We each got a voucher. There's a 1-for-1 drink voucher and a 1-for-1 side/appetizer voucher. We got two of each.

Yup. So that was dinner. And did I mention today was the warm fuzzy feeling day : ) Night!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tamil Interview

Dear Writer,

it is time you learn how to speak Tamil properly. I believe your Tamil teachers are turning in their graves. (Okay fine so none of my Tamil teachers are dead yet. But if they were, they'd be turning and twisting!) Sigh. Half no, actually 3/4 your answer to the interview was in English. Writer, you need to brush up and be Indian woman!

Yours Sincerely,

Alright then, first of all kudos to this man, Karthigesan, for starting of his own website ad initiating his own podcasts. This young man is interested in becoming a radio DJ and I think he's got the raw talent for it. Besides, his Tamil is awesome. He's got my support ; )

His show is called: "Ilamami Mantra" and is pretty well done. You can add his show on Facebook as well.

And for those interested in seeing the video where I kinda maybe barely speak Tamil, although I did speak rather well (haha yeah...I'm dreaming...) here's the link to the download Wrtier attempting Tamil.

Oh and did I mention that my cousin, Selvi, makes a special guest appearance as the girl who got pranked in the first part of the show? Well she did....enjoy folks! And don't forget to support Karthik's show : )

Sunday, February 7, 2010

PUMA's Tags

Wow, I forgot how weird PUMA can be. My cousin sister just came to give us some more free samples from PUMA. And these are the tags attached to the shirts...

You're liable to get hit by a car!?!?!?! What the hell!?!?! Seriously these guys crack me up.

You gotta love the people over at PUMA. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Hero's Dream

I finally composed and wrote my first song. It isn't perfect and I'll be the first person to admit that but I'm pleased with what I could churn out and I think I'll start writing more. Anyways, this song is for Serena, Naathan and Prabs my 3 amazing friends who deserve everything in the world and I think are heroes in their own ways ; )

So, I hope you'll like the song and I'll do more soon!

Here's presenting...

A Hero's Dream

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When i was young, my parents used to threaten me using ''Ah pu neh neh''

Alright people of the world. God almighty has decided to provide her opinion on the matter so step aside peasants and let the goddess do her job.

But it's just me, a mere mortal. So you'll have to settle with simply hearing this writer's opinion.

Now, let us review the case.

CASE: A group titled, When i was young, my parents used to threaten me using ''Ah pu neh neh'', was created by some admins who have now disappeared of the face of the earth.

PROBLEM: Most find it racist and have not hidden their feelings on this topic while others feel that the topic is funny and everyone should find it hilarious.

WRITER'S OPINION: I'm complex and as such my answer shall be complex. Read on!

Argument 1
Alright first of all, the people in this group should stop defending the group's objectives because people, the ADMINS HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING! 
Yes, where are they? They are no more admins left. Do you you know what this is NOT like? 
Because people, your captains have abandoned the obviously sinking ship. Don't sink with it. Save yourself the trouble.

Argument 2
Um hello. Why is it when Russel Peters makes fun of us, we Indians laugh and when you guys make fun of us, we're not? Simple, because first of all the dude's partially Indian. And oddly enough, it's just like when a fat person makes fun of themselves it's okay but if a thin person makes fun of the fat person, it isn't alright. An yes, there are a few rare cases of fat people who don't mind the jokes being made. Same to the racial jokes. Furthermore, Russel Peters made himself the bud of some of the jokes. Did the people in this particular group on facebook do so?
Even then, the bottom line is this people: If we Indians are not laughing, it really ain't funny. Cause we laugh at most racist jokes made against us.   

Argument 3
Get a sense of humor? *shakes head* Wow. *shakes head again* Um...I think Indians in Singapore have one of the greatest sense of humor. As mentioned in Argument 2, we laugh at ourselves more than others laugh at us. SO IF WE'RE NOT LAUGHING, IT AIN'T FUNNY. 
We don't need to get a sense of humor, you'll just need to get better jokes.

  Argument 4 
I hang out with a rather mixed batch of people. But sometimes, it's just us Indians and two or three Chinese and Malay folks only. And amongst ourselves, we crack all sorts of jokes. Sometimes, my Chinese friends would make fun of our Indian accents or the Indians would shake our heads and solemnly swear our Chinese friends were bloody racist. And we would all laugh in the end.

Don't you see? That's where the jokes are alright. Amongst a closely knit group of friends of varying races. Once you put it up on a social network like facebook, you're jokes you and your friends might have found funny but others don't.
Argument 5
I'm not saying that it's alright to tell racist jokes. (This is because some people might actually try to counter argue point 4 by saying this). No. Instead, what I'm saying is that there is different levels of jokes. And you must learn to be smart Singaporeans by discerning which are cruel racist jokes.
Argument 6
Ah hell. Just grow up folks. Those "Ah pu neh neh" jokes are things of the past. Be in fashion. Find fresh new jokes. Other wise, we Indians will take our business else where. Seriously.