Monday, February 8, 2010

Tamil Interview

Dear Writer,

it is time you learn how to speak Tamil properly. I believe your Tamil teachers are turning in their graves. (Okay fine so none of my Tamil teachers are dead yet. But if they were, they'd be turning and twisting!) Sigh. Half no, actually 3/4 your answer to the interview was in English. Writer, you need to brush up and be Indian woman!

Yours Sincerely,

Alright then, first of all kudos to this man, Karthigesan, for starting of his own website ad initiating his own podcasts. This young man is interested in becoming a radio DJ and I think he's got the raw talent for it. Besides, his Tamil is awesome. He's got my support ; )

His show is called: "Ilamami Mantra" and is pretty well done. You can add his show on Facebook as well.

And for those interested in seeing the video where I kinda maybe barely speak Tamil, although I did speak rather well (haha yeah...I'm dreaming...) here's the link to the download Wrtier attempting Tamil.

Oh and did I mention that my cousin, Selvi, makes a special guest appearance as the girl who got pranked in the first part of the show? Well she did....enjoy folks! And don't forget to support Karthik's show : )

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