Saturday started off rather painfully with rehearsals at Woodlands Regional Library for the production under Splat!. Painful because I was in literally in pain. My whole body was aching and because of that I didn't want to travel to NUS for a discussion forum. If I had, I would have had to rush back for Splat! at 1pm. That was the original plan but because of the pains, I just couldn't do it.
Prior commitment with Spalt! had me at the library. AFT's name was on the line so we did our best. It was a grueling few hours where the actors had to remember their lines and their blocking while I managed the backstage with my 5 man team. Thank you Serena for coming half way! Honestly woman I don't think I could have survived the rest of the day without you. Hopefully the production goes well this coming Saturday.
After that, immediately went off to meet my mum and sis where they tried buying clothes. I was slightly out of character so I refused to purchase any clothes. I knew I was being unreasonable but couldn't help it. Then went home and trudged about wearing a dress and a simple chain. By this time, I was in a terrible mood but had controlled myself enough for everyone to think I was okay, everyone except my mum.
The drive to the restuarant where Avinesh's birthday was taking place was alright. I kept thinking things were just going to get worse. But it didn't.
When I got there, I ran to Haresh and Avinesh (ofcourse my sis and I pushed each other aside). Seeing the two of them reminded me why I was there. Despite being tierd and weary, family is family. My mum ingrained it into us that family was everything and hence being present at special occassions was essential.
Then Prabs came and the two of us sculpted balloons for the kids. She did most of the work : )
Then the cake was cut...this is the cake...
Brilliant isn't it? Care bear Cupcakes. And some of the cupcakes had care bear rings on it. lol we all grabbed them. I practically went around hunting for the rings. Found 3, gave away 2, left with 1.
We then dropped Prabs off and headed home. And that was when the pain returned!!! But you know what, it was all worth it.
Sunday came and it was obviously NATIONAL DAY PARADE!!! It was awesome. Started off with heading over to Arts @ Canberra to support Henry and Naathan. Henry emceed and Naathan was Stage Manager. Yoga came along and the two of us basically watched and enjoyed the hip hop performances. Then had to suddenly head back home to grab something important. Then headed back and by then, the live telecast of the National Day Parade at the hardcourt was starting.
And all of sudden, Archana asks us to become the motivators. Sameer, Idham, Yoga, Naathan, Prabs, Ganesh, Henry and I recived bagpacks and just started to rouse the crowd. It was so much of fun because we banged on the hand drums and switched on the heart shaped lights while shouting out the words to the songs. By 8.30pm, we were tired but still interested in heading off to watch UP!
It was brilliant and I watched it with Prabs,Naathan, Yoga, Ganesh and Ravin.
Up! is a movie for all ages as is every Walt Disney production. There is so much to remember and laugh at and I loved every second of that movie.
After that, headed back home with them all and ended up hanging out until 5am doing nothing but talk. We all enjoyed it and it was definitely fun.
Haresh had stayed over at my house and so had Soorya. Love Haresh so much. He was so adorable sleeping in sis' room. The little tyke was holding on to the lollipop my sis had bought for him like his life depended on it.
Anyways, once i got home, slept for 2 hours, got up and set off with my family for a picnic at Sembawang beach.
It was cool cause we played dog and bone and found like a gazillion starfishes along the beach. Had so much of fun that I almost forgot I was tierd xD.
Once we got home, slept abit then my mum and I headed of to NUS so that we could clean my room. YEAH! I got a room on campus lol. We attacked it like soldiers would take to a battlefield.
With that done, we headed back, did some shopping. Went down, printed some stuff, talked with Isabelle and Ganesh
Like I said, my weekend was....nice ; )
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