Saturday, November 14, 2009


Exams are just around the corner.

Tuesday's the first of it all. In fact, it is the worst of it all. It's the practical of my theatre studies module, TS1101E, and we've to put a 20 minute production that has 3 songs in it.

I'm directing and everyone in the team has to double up as actors. So tiring. I haven't had time to do anything else but complete this production. There's still the director's portfolio to type out and it has to be completed by today along with the production booklet.

Once that's done, there's still the theory paper of TS1101E on Saturday. Then following that, will come the 3 more papers that I have.

On other matters, the next AFT meeting will be run by one of the Vice Chairmans. And since the O and A level students are somewhat done with their papers, they should all be in attendance. So that's good news.
Haresh is sitting beside me right now. Watching Spongebob Squarepants. He's in this I've-showered-and-am-in-a-zombie-like-mode-not-sure-of-what-I-want-to-eat-maybe-pancake-or-waffles-or-no-suddenly-I-want-water. Family was over yesterday for Deepavali. It's 1 month later so it's apparent my family's enthusiastic.
Haresh and Suria decided to stay over. So the small kid's here beside me. But I mentioned that already. Spongebob just failed his driving test. Just in case you were wondering.

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