Monday, September 14, 2009

Marvel at the New Iron Man

Found this article in the Straits Times. This is just an extraction...

Minor Changes that we at Disney would like to implement:

No 1: Casting. While Robert Downey Jr has done a commendable job in the lead thus far, we felt that his bad boy image and previous drug problems are not in sync with the wholesome role so important in everything we do. He will therefore be replaced by perhaps the biggest teen star, Zac Efron. You will no doubt recognise him from the wildly successful High School Musical movies.

No 2: Character Design. Before you start jumping up and down, we are in now way suggesting that we radically alter the look of Iron Man. What we will be doing is to ingect a new character into the script. This new character will be a guinea pig that serves as a sidekick to the Iron Man. It will wear a small high tech vest that will allow it to talk. This will also open up opportunities for mechandising and publicity of the movie G force.

No 3: Plot. While we understand that Iron Man has typically always dealt with international terrorism in some shape or form, our focus groups clearly do not care for the subject. What they would like to see is something more closely linked to High School terrorism. Things like, :Maybe Iron Man could, like, you know, wage war on Celeste who totally, like, cheated on Mike with Damien. ANd like, she knows I have this massive crush on him, the b****." Something to think about, yes?

Our focus groups have also voiced out their concerns over Spider Man. Spiders are terrifying. We're replacing it with a unicorn. Peter Parker can be licked by a unicorn.

One of our most exciting projects planned for next year is a live show involving Marvel characters, a dream come true for any fan. Just think about it: Iron Man versus X-Men vesrsus Spider/Pony Man on Ice. I just know that you share my enthusiasm in these matters.

Your friendly, joyful, happy and magical CEO

Yeah we all know that Marvel has been bought over by Disney. And yeah we're all worried. What's going to happen? Will carebears make special guest appearances in Iron Man and will Minnie leave Mickey for Peter Parker? Troubling questions...all of them. But fear not.

Although I found this article by Jeremy Au Yong funny, I have faith that Marvel will retain it's spirit.

If they don't. I don't want to be Storm anymore. She could become Goofy's wife...

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