All the kids in the videos below are under 6 years old.
Each of them has raw talent that will soon develop into something amazing. It makes you feel all good inside when you know such beauty still exists amongst all the chaos in the world.
The Future Olympics Medalist
The Street King
The Darling with a Sweet Voice
The Dude with the Beats
(He's only 3)
The Angel of Piano
The Princess of Strings
I was amazed at the talent I saw and had to sieve through nearly hundereds of videos to find them. If you know of any other kids below 6 who are equally gifted in another area, do let me know by either commenting on this post.
I'll be putting up another blogpost soon for talented kids aged 6 years old to 12 years old.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How do I even describe my day today?
Went to school with Serena and found out that I have to play a 50+ old gay man who goes to Thailand and falls in love with a 19 year old Thai massage boy. Serena's playing my little...yeah well...she knows : ) School rocks...
Anywho, after that, Serena and I headed over to Jurong East MRT station to wait for Prabs. While waiting, we discussed about Kollyhood and Bollyhood. Yes, Serena's chinese. No, she hasn't forgotten how to speak chinese.
Once Prabs came, we headed off to Jurong Point at Boon Lay where we went to Billy Bombers and ate expensive food. Deena joined us and ate equally expensive food. It was damn filling but I had my eyes on the chocolate fondue. So we ordered. Sumptious chocolate with marshmallows yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But then of course, Prabs had push the chocolate off one of my marshmallows preventing a nice sheen of chocolate layer to coat my marshmallow. Damn you Prabs. Then Prabs and Serena fought over the ice cream for the fondue. Deena, during all this, was contently eating a particular flavour of ice cream that neither of the other two seemed to like.
After that, we walked around a bit before coming to a store where we spent quite some time looking at the stuff. We then bought these really chic bag tags. There are many designs for the E Z link card sized cards and you can personalize them by placing your name on it. I got Shanty one with Ariel's image on it, Prabs and I got Naathan one with Timon and Pumba and the words, "Hakuna Matata" on it, Prabs got one of the 101 dalmations yawning and I got this authentic design of mickey mouse. They are really beautiful tas and each cost $6.90 but if you buy 2, it costs only $10.
Then, we finally made our way down to the arcade, Zone X. Played Daytona and some other games. Playing the dancing game with Deena and died from the high tempo. Then, Serena and I played Para Para. We are proud to offcially announce that we attained to the highest score ever in that arcade. Can you imagine our joy when we saw that top score : ) : )
Then, we headed back and then, ate brownies and cheese cakes outside CC. Ganesh, Sathin and Thana soon arrived. Isaac arrived with Shanty. Thana, Serena, Naathan, Yoga and myself went from a meeting. Now, I'm tierd and my eyes are drooping on their own accords.
All in all, it was an AWESOME DAY!!!!! This day was more than I could ever hope to ask for.
Went to school with Serena and found out that I have to play a 50+ old gay man who goes to Thailand and falls in love with a 19 year old Thai massage boy. Serena's playing my little...yeah well...she knows : ) School rocks...
Anywho, after that, Serena and I headed over to Jurong East MRT station to wait for Prabs. While waiting, we discussed about Kollyhood and Bollyhood. Yes, Serena's chinese. No, she hasn't forgotten how to speak chinese.
Once Prabs came, we headed off to Jurong Point at Boon Lay where we went to Billy Bombers and ate expensive food. Deena joined us and ate equally expensive food. It was damn filling but I had my eyes on the chocolate fondue. So we ordered. Sumptious chocolate with marshmallows yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But then of course, Prabs had push the chocolate off one of my marshmallows preventing a nice sheen of chocolate layer to coat my marshmallow. Damn you Prabs. Then Prabs and Serena fought over the ice cream for the fondue. Deena, during all this, was contently eating a particular flavour of ice cream that neither of the other two seemed to like.
After that, we walked around a bit before coming to a store where we spent quite some time looking at the stuff. We then bought these really chic bag tags. There are many designs for the E Z link card sized cards and you can personalize them by placing your name on it. I got Shanty one with Ariel's image on it, Prabs and I got Naathan one with Timon and Pumba and the words, "Hakuna Matata" on it, Prabs got one of the 101 dalmations yawning and I got this authentic design of mickey mouse. They are really beautiful tas and each cost $6.90 but if you buy 2, it costs only $10.
Then, we finally made our way down to the arcade, Zone X. Played Daytona and some other games. Playing the dancing game with Deena and died from the high tempo. Then, Serena and I played Para Para. We are proud to offcially announce that we attained to the highest score ever in that arcade. Can you imagine our joy when we saw that top score : ) : )
Then, we headed back and then, ate brownies and cheese cakes outside CC. Ganesh, Sathin and Thana soon arrived. Isaac arrived with Shanty. Thana, Serena, Naathan, Yoga and myself went from a meeting. Now, I'm tierd and my eyes are drooping on their own accords.
All in all, it was an AWESOME DAY!!!!! This day was more than I could ever hope to ask for.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Love is just around the corner
How else can I make it better for you'll? How else can I explain that it takes courage to forgive but never forget. How else can I make you'll see that sometimes when one love fails, a better one will always come along.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Did the Planet Betray us? Or did we Betray the Planet?
Sameer suggested that I talk about global warming on my blog. No idea why he wanted me to but it got me thinking and seriously why not right?
Are we really running out of time? Some say it's all a heap of nonsense inspired to simply ensure people follow rules and regulations while others say that it is all true and that unless we do something about it, we are all in line for certain doom.
What do I say?
Insightful isn't it. Someone has to literally place a picture of an infant aging into an old man with the receding glacier behind him to make us see the truth.
Is time running out?
It is eye opening when you hear children say what they just did. It makes you wonder if we, the generation that came before them, are to be blamed. We need to grow up. We need to realise that this is our land.
We need to take responsibility.
Don't we?
It will come to a point where we need to take a stand before an SOS is required. We need to fight against what is to come. But then, it brings us to another question.
What are really fighting for?
It made me sit up straight in my seat. It made me realise how it can all be insignificant compared to what the future may hold.
Does it really matter how different we all are?
Humans are not the only ones living on this planet. There are the other creatures.
What happens to them then?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Take a good long look.
Are you capable of change?
Why do I feel like we betrayed our planet?
Are we really running out of time? Some say it's all a heap of nonsense inspired to simply ensure people follow rules and regulations while others say that it is all true and that unless we do something about it, we are all in line for certain doom.
What do I say?
Insightful isn't it. Someone has to literally place a picture of an infant aging into an old man with the receding glacier behind him to make us see the truth.
Is time running out?
It is eye opening when you hear children say what they just did. It makes you wonder if we, the generation that came before them, are to be blamed. We need to grow up. We need to realise that this is our land.
We need to take responsibility.
Don't we?
It will come to a point where we need to take a stand before an SOS is required. We need to fight against what is to come. But then, it brings us to another question.
What are really fighting for?
It made me sit up straight in my seat. It made me realise how it can all be insignificant compared to what the future may hold.
Does it really matter how different we all are?
Humans are not the only ones living on this planet. There are the other creatures.
What happens to them then?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Take a good long look.
Are you capable of change?
Why do I feel like we betrayed our planet?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Singe Ladies ; )
This is an A list song with an A list dance performance. It's unbelievable that this entire dance routine was taking at one go with a few cameras. Kudos to Beyonce for pulling this off!
What is a Leader?
Leaders do not abuse their followers
. . .for without followers there can be no leaders.
Leaders teach those who serve them.
. . .They are the caretakers of their federation and of their people.
Without people who care there can be no federation.
. . .Leaders are prepared to lead, lead with fairness and love,
while teaching others to lead.
Their power does not come from magic
. . .it comes from the secrets of leadership.
To master these secrets requires time and hard work.
. . .There are no shortcuts, it takes time.
And with time comes the learning and paying the price.
. . .Leaders make decisions and don't put off
because delaying necessary decisions
. . .discourages those who follow them-
They learn by observing the leader's actions and words.
Leaders anticipate risk and are willing to accept
. . .the consequences of risk instead of
turning to the comfort of personal security.
Their instincts become sharpened by experience.
. . .This experience helps the leader develop
skills to carry out their goals.
Leaders never cease to be students.
. . .They never cease to look for new insights
and new methods while preserving tradition.
. . .They master the skills necessary to be effective powerful leaders.
Loyalty - not to be mistaken for disagreement, for it is not disloyal to disagree for the good of the federation or those they lead. If one who follows brings disharmony, they must be removed for their negative actions divide and breakdown the group. A true leader sees inside the heart and knows the nature of each follower's action.
Courage - It takes courage to carry out assignments, overcome obstacles, surpass confusion in adversity. Leaders are not overcome by small challenges but carry on in the face of many obstacles, learning from each one. They excel in times of uncertainty and danger as well as success
Loneliness - is often a part of a leaders life. He or she has suffered despair, ridicule, and has developed the virtue of long-suffering. Leaders act with confidence. Trusting themselves and the higher power of their belief in God as they understand Him.
Self Confidence - develops from proper training and experience and develops the assurance to meet all life's challenges. A show a lack of self confidence is evident to their followers and they soon lose respect and fall by the wayside.
Accountability - is strong in leaders because they accept freely the responsibility for their actions and do not make excuses. They never place blame. They take pride in their achievements. They are responsible in seeing that things are done and directions are followed.
Reputation - is believed by friends and adversaries. Their credibility is solid for they believe in honesty of word and deed.
Timing - is learned by failure as well as success. The lessons learned from mistakes of when to act and move develop their timing. They know who they are dealing with and their character as well as their opponents ambitions. Leaders master their sense of timing..
Competitiveness - resides in the heart of a leader for each one has a strong desire to win in battle, negotiations and internal strife.
Desire - brings commitment in the heart of a warrior. Every leader is a warrior and must have a desire to lead.
Stamina - in body and mind and emotional strength constantly grow. Demands increase with each level. Leaders bounce back from defeat and discouragement and persist in the face of difficulty. They are sound in body and mind.
Empathy - enables them to appreciate the value of others. They learn the cultures and beliefs of their followers and are sensitive to them. They know when not to ask personal questions. They take into account all the facts of a situation.
Dependable - and reliable, others can count on them. They never give up. They even persist when others abandon them. Leaders are tenacious and unyielding in pursuit of their goals. Leaders emphasize to their followers that they depend on them and are proud of them.
Stewardship - to caretake the goals of the federation with confidence, trust, loyalty, and love. Leaders never abuse those who follow themand, only as a last resort, when all other attempts have failed do they remove those who do not share the same sense of fairness and unity. They realize that to be good leaders they had to first learn to be a good follower.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Cold Hold
Behind 71 years of life; we seek what seems to soothe the soul. An unattainable answer that seems far beyond reach. We deny that we ever go looking, in fear of the glances we attract.
For the 25 times we've cried; we laugh it off and brush the thoughts that caress our minds daily. We seem to think that it's only right to hide what should be revealed. Each day we wrap ourselves in one more layer, each day we thicken our stance.
For on the 22nd year; it's tucked so far within that it takes years to melt the cold we've built. It's buried so deep beneath that most of the times we forget it exists.
By the 52nd time, we've tried; To not get hurt, to not feel pain, to not have the label of weakness attached to you, we struggle to keep calm and composed. It's frighteningly real and impossibly gut wrenching when you fight to keep it under control. But that's what happens when you try to hide the obvious.
For the 81st time; Your ice cold heart breaks into a thousand pices. Your rigid mind bursts from the rules and regulations.
Sometimes we forget we're only human.
Sometimes we forget we're liable.
Sometimes we forget we have a heart.
Most of the times we shun what's Love.
For the 25 times we've cried; we laugh it off and brush the thoughts that caress our minds daily. We seem to think that it's only right to hide what should be revealed. Each day we wrap ourselves in one more layer, each day we thicken our stance.
For on the 22nd year; it's tucked so far within that it takes years to melt the cold we've built. It's buried so deep beneath that most of the times we forget it exists.
By the 52nd time, we've tried; To not get hurt, to not feel pain, to not have the label of weakness attached to you, we struggle to keep calm and composed. It's frighteningly real and impossibly gut wrenching when you fight to keep it under control. But that's what happens when you try to hide the obvious.
For the 81st time; Your ice cold heart breaks into a thousand pices. Your rigid mind bursts from the rules and regulations.
Sometimes we forget we're only human.
Sometimes we forget we're liable.
Sometimes we forget we have a heart.
Most of the times we shun what's Love.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My Impossible List
1) Good hair (I'm a sucker for good hair despite mine being messed up sometimes XD)
2) Brilliant sense of dressing (A huge must!!!)
3) Rich ; )
4) Own a car ( I do need to get around...)
5) Sporty = Hot body (muahahahaha)
6) Witty ( I want to have intelligent conversations and at the same time be able to switch back to one that can make me laugh...)
7) Romantic at heart (haha...yes I'm a sucker for flowers and what not...)
8) Owns a property in Ireland (Yeah...this is where the list becomes impossible...although some may argue I lost it at no.3)
9) Must play at least one instrument (It's adorable ; ) )
10) Must have a sense of rythm (So that we can dance under the stars)
Yes...It's still me. I've not been taken over by pod people! And yes, this list seems impossible. But hey, a girl can dream can't she? : )
PS: Happy Hari Raya Sameer, Idham, Igmall, Zahirah, Syaymah, Farhan, Ain, Nana, Mala and any other Malay people reading this blog : )
2) Brilliant sense of dressing (A huge must!!!)
3) Rich ; )
4) Own a car ( I do need to get around...)
5) Sporty = Hot body (muahahahaha)
6) Witty ( I want to have intelligent conversations and at the same time be able to switch back to one that can make me laugh...)
7) Romantic at heart (haha...yes I'm a sucker for flowers and what not...)
8) Owns a property in Ireland (Yeah...this is where the list becomes impossible...although some may argue I lost it at no.3)
9) Must play at least one instrument (It's adorable ; ) )
10) Must have a sense of rythm (So that we can dance under the stars)
Yes...It's still me. I've not been taken over by pod people! And yes, this list seems impossible. But hey, a girl can dream can't she? : )
PS: Happy Hari Raya Sameer, Idham, Igmall, Zahirah, Syaymah, Farhan, Ain, Nana, Mala and any other Malay people reading this blog : )
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's Alright
It's okay. I understand. At least I think I do.
Don't worry. The light is just around the corner. Hold your breath.
Trust me. Things always get better. It's not just in fairy tales.
Watch. The world is not gloomy. The dark clouds are easily blown away.
Listen please. Music is everywhere. It's not just in your dreams.
Feel. The winds blow stronger than ever. Let it course through your blood and veins
Believe. You're strong enough to pull through it all. Just know that life holds great treasures for you to find.
Hold tight. I'm right here. Standing beside you the entire time.
Don't worry. The light is just around the corner. Hold your breath.
Trust me. Things always get better. It's not just in fairy tales.
Watch. The world is not gloomy. The dark clouds are easily blown away.
Listen please. Music is everywhere. It's not just in your dreams.
Feel. The winds blow stronger than ever. Let it course through your blood and veins
Believe. You're strong enough to pull through it all. Just know that life holds great treasures for you to find.
Hold tight. I'm right here. Standing beside you the entire time.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
6 Floors Down
The lift fell 6 floors down before coming to a stop between the 5th and the 6th floor. Was I terrified?
Honestly, no. At that point, i felt nothing, as though it didn't matter if the lift fell all the way and crashed. My bag fell off my shoulder, the laptop dropped to the floor, my knees buckled and I collapsed to the floor under the sheer force as a result of the drop.
And when that sudden jerk came as the lift stopped, I couldn't look up. I was looking at the ground and just waiting for what would happen next. "Going up," the voice recording for the lift said. And at a snail like pace, the lift moved from between the 5th and 6th floor to land at the 6th floor. The doors opened and at a speed I never knew I possessed, I grabbed everything and half crawled half stumbled out of the lift.
I don't know how long I sat there, outside the lift, leaning against the wall. I didn't cry, I didn't breathe heavily. I just sat there.
No. I didn't have any flashbacks of my life neither can I say that I experienced any life changing moments where I regreted not spending enough time with the people around me.
All I felt was a sense of numbness that cacooned me for nearly 10 minutes. Then I grabbed my stuff and descneded down the stairs.
Awesome right? : )
Honestly, no. At that point, i felt nothing, as though it didn't matter if the lift fell all the way and crashed. My bag fell off my shoulder, the laptop dropped to the floor, my knees buckled and I collapsed to the floor under the sheer force as a result of the drop.
And when that sudden jerk came as the lift stopped, I couldn't look up. I was looking at the ground and just waiting for what would happen next. "Going up," the voice recording for the lift said. And at a snail like pace, the lift moved from between the 5th and 6th floor to land at the 6th floor. The doors opened and at a speed I never knew I possessed, I grabbed everything and half crawled half stumbled out of the lift.
I don't know how long I sat there, outside the lift, leaning against the wall. I didn't cry, I didn't breathe heavily. I just sat there.
No. I didn't have any flashbacks of my life neither can I say that I experienced any life changing moments where I regreted not spending enough time with the people around me.
All I felt was a sense of numbness that cacooned me for nearly 10 minutes. Then I grabbed my stuff and descneded down the stairs.
Awesome right? : )
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Husband for Sale
A store that sells husbands has just opened in Mumbai, where a
woman may go to choose a husband.
Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the
store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights.
There is, however, a catch. .... You may choose any man from a
particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot
go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and
love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, and are extremely good looking.
" Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, are drop- dead good looking and help with the housework.
"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, are drop- dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign
Floor 6 - You are visitor 5,363,013 to this floor. There are no men on this floor.
This floor exists solely as proof that women are
impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!
Ladies...You may ask me what the hell are you doing woman!?! You're one of the female species! You're supposed to support us not put up articles of jokes that cast us in a humorous light.
But let's admit it. We are picky. I'm picky. But guys are as well. Just in different ways. Let's see for the guys, these would be the Floors....
Floor 1: These women have jobs and love soccer.
Floor 2: These women have jobs, love soccer and don't want to have kids.
Floor 3: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids and are gorgeous.
Floor 4: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids, are gorgeous and do ALL the housework.
Floor 5: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids, are drop dead hot (preferably a cross between Angelina Jolie and Beyonce) , do ALL the housework and don't expect you to remember the two of your anniversaries.
Floor 6: Yeah...dream on.
Ah yes...It's good to be a feminist.
woman may go to choose a husband.
Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the
store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights.
There is, however, a catch. .... You may choose any man from a
particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot
go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and
love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, and are extremely good looking.
" Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, are drop- dead good looking and help with the housework.
"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love
kids, are drop- dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign
Floor 6 - You are visitor 5,363,013 to this floor. There are no men on this floor.
This floor exists solely as proof that women are
impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!
Ladies...You may ask me what the hell are you doing woman!?! You're one of the female species! You're supposed to support us not put up articles of jokes that cast us in a humorous light.
But let's admit it. We are picky. I'm picky. But guys are as well. Just in different ways. Let's see for the guys, these would be the Floors....
Floor 1: These women have jobs and love soccer.
Floor 2: These women have jobs, love soccer and don't want to have kids.
Floor 3: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids and are gorgeous.
Floor 4: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids, are gorgeous and do ALL the housework.
Floor 5: These women have jobs, love soccer, don't want to have kids, are drop dead hot (preferably a cross between Angelina Jolie and Beyonce) , do ALL the housework and don't expect you to remember the two of your anniversaries.
Floor 6: Yeah...dream on.
Ah yes...It's good to be a feminist.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Marvel at the New Iron Man
Found this article in the Straits Times. This is just an extraction...
Yeah we all know that Marvel has been bought over by Disney. And yeah we're all worried. What's going to happen? Will carebears make special guest appearances in Iron Man and will Minnie leave Mickey for Peter Parker? Troubling questions...all of them. But fear not.
Although I found this article by Jeremy Au Yong funny, I have faith that Marvel will retain it's spirit.
If they don't. I don't want to be Storm anymore. She could become Goofy's wife...
Minor Changes that we at Disney would like to implement:
No 1: Casting. While Robert Downey Jr has done a commendable job in the lead thus far, we felt that his bad boy image and previous drug problems are not in sync with the wholesome role so important in everything we do. He will therefore be replaced by perhaps the biggest teen star, Zac Efron. You will no doubt recognise him from the wildly successful High School Musical movies.
No 2: Character Design. Before you start jumping up and down, we are in now way suggesting that we radically alter the look of Iron Man. What we will be doing is to ingect a new character into the script. This new character will be a guinea pig that serves as a sidekick to the Iron Man. It will wear a small high tech vest that will allow it to talk. This will also open up opportunities for mechandising and publicity of the movie G force.
No 3: Plot. While we understand that Iron Man has typically always dealt with international terrorism in some shape or form, our focus groups clearly do not care for the subject. What they would like to see is something more closely linked to High School terrorism. Things like, :Maybe Iron Man could, like, you know, wage war on Celeste who totally, like, cheated on Mike with Damien. ANd like, she knows I have this massive crush on him, the b****." Something to think about, yes?
Our focus groups have also voiced out their concerns over Spider Man. Spiders are terrifying. We're replacing it with a unicorn. Peter Parker can be licked by a unicorn.
One of our most exciting projects planned for next year is a live show involving Marvel characters, a dream come true for any fan. Just think about it: Iron Man versus X-Men vesrsus Spider/Pony Man on Ice. I just know that you share my enthusiasm in these matters.
Your friendly, joyful, happy and magical CEO
Yeah we all know that Marvel has been bought over by Disney. And yeah we're all worried. What's going to happen? Will carebears make special guest appearances in Iron Man and will Minnie leave Mickey for Peter Parker? Troubling questions...all of them. But fear not.
Although I found this article by Jeremy Au Yong funny, I have faith that Marvel will retain it's spirit.
If they don't. I don't want to be Storm anymore. She could become Goofy's wife...
Our World is Infinite...Never Forget...

Butterfly in Flight...
The first one on the top left hand corner is the image of gas flying from a dying star. It does look like a butterfly taking flight doesn't it?
The picture on the top right hand corner is one of a group of 5 galaxies known as the Stephan's Quintet located nearly 280 million light years away from Earth.
Picture on the the bottom left hand corner is a panoramic view of about 100 000 stars residing in the crowded core of a cluster lying about 16 000 light years away from Earth.
And the picture on the bottom right hand corner is of gas and dust surrounding a stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula located about 7 500 light years away.
The Hubble telescope first designed and crafted by Princeton astronomer Lyman Spitzer, started off as a joke in 1990. When it was first launched, images could not be taken because the lense was crafted wrongly. Astronauts were sent out and the lense was fixed.
Just recently, upgrades were performed and the Hubble telescope is capturing images such as the ones above with greater clarity.
Don't you just love it?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Much to Update!!!
My internet has been down and still is. But thanks to Serena, I was able to access the world wide web for one night and now, let's just say I'm using someone else's wireless to type out this blog post.
Much has happened this whole week so let me start:
1) Mum found out. (self explanatory to some people)
2) On a awesome note, the 4th Judge of American Idol is officially Ellen DeGeneres,the Gay comedian. It came as quite a shocker to me but hey I think it's a brilliant decision for now for who wouldn't to say her comment on singers?
3)I've missed nearly 3/4 of this week's lessons. Been tierd and exhausted and just wanted to stay home to settle some of my assignments as well as AFT matters. But trust me, tomorrow it's back to school permanantly ; )
4) Going off to a family chalet today. It's at downtown east!!!
5) Mum's having back aches again.
6) Prabs and I are trying out a children's day business : ) Serena, Prabs and I are gonna be starting a business soon!
7) Some people around me have permanantly lost my trust for what they have done and said.
8) Fray's - "Enough for Now" and the song "Open up some happiness" is stuck in my head.
9) 9 is out but I have yet to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!
10) I realised that even if you plan your time and your weeks way ahead, not everything falls into place. The only thing you can really ever do is to make the best out of everything
Today may not have been such a good week for me based on the Utalitarian concept but whatever it may be, I did have some good things happening for me so I'm good : )
Much has happened this whole week so let me start:
1) Mum found out. (self explanatory to some people)
2) On a awesome note, the 4th Judge of American Idol is officially Ellen DeGeneres,the Gay comedian. It came as quite a shocker to me but hey I think it's a brilliant decision for now for who wouldn't to say her comment on singers?
3)I've missed nearly 3/4 of this week's lessons. Been tierd and exhausted and just wanted to stay home to settle some of my assignments as well as AFT matters. But trust me, tomorrow it's back to school permanantly ; )
4) Going off to a family chalet today. It's at downtown east!!!
5) Mum's having back aches again.
6) Prabs and I are trying out a children's day business : ) Serena, Prabs and I are gonna be starting a business soon!
7) Some people around me have permanantly lost my trust for what they have done and said.
8) Fray's - "Enough for Now" and the song "Open up some happiness" is stuck in my head.
9) 9 is out but I have yet to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!
10) I realised that even if you plan your time and your weeks way ahead, not everything falls into place. The only thing you can really ever do is to make the best out of everything
Today may not have been such a good week for me based on the Utalitarian concept but whatever it may be, I did have some good things happening for me so I'm good : )
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Right from Wrong
It's not everyday that we truly stop to think.
It' not everyday that reality hits you so hard that you wish it hadn't arrived at all.
Much has happened in my life. Most of it are merely effects of what has happened with others.
I'm mentally exhausted with everything. Mentally exhausted with alot of people.
But I'm not giving up. Although I do wish I could just pack up and leave for awhile, that is not who I am.
I'm going to stick this through. I'm going to make sure that everyone pulls through this.
It'll all be better. I know it : )
And if it doesn't get better, there's always a 1 way ticket to Ireland ; )
It' not everyday that reality hits you so hard that you wish it hadn't arrived at all.
Much has happened in my life. Most of it are merely effects of what has happened with others.
I'm mentally exhausted with everything. Mentally exhausted with alot of people.
But I'm not giving up. Although I do wish I could just pack up and leave for awhile, that is not who I am.
I'm going to stick this through. I'm going to make sure that everyone pulls through this.
It'll all be better. I know it : )
And if it doesn't get better, there's always a 1 way ticket to Ireland ; )
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Yours to be Found
Let the winds hum the tune,
That I desire to sing,
Let the clouds dance about,
The way I yearn to,
Let the waves crash ashore,
In the way I want to,
And all I can hope for,
Is that one day I'll follow.
It may hurt if you fall,
It may pain you if you're cut,
It may prick that you're slayed,
Or even if you're last.
It may feel like thousand daggers,
Are stabbing you at once,
It may bleed if you stumble,
Or even when you're down.
But then through the darkness,
The web of confusion,
A single chance of hope,
A single ray of light.
It'll never last too long,
Mayhaps for just a second,
It'll tease you like a butterfly,
Fluttering past you only once.
But as soon as you see it,
The beauty of what could be,
The darkness seems too easy,
To conquer and defeat.
You may stumble and fall,
You may hurt and pain,
You may sadden and rage,
And even pricked and slayed.
But when you feel the pain,
You know you're on your way,
You know that at the other end,
That light of hope shall reign.
And even when we attain it,
It'll never last too long,
But in your heart you'll always know,
The light is yours to be found.
That I desire to sing,
Let the clouds dance about,
The way I yearn to,
Let the waves crash ashore,
In the way I want to,
And all I can hope for,
Is that one day I'll follow.
It may hurt if you fall,
It may pain you if you're cut,
It may prick that you're slayed,
Or even if you're last.
It may feel like thousand daggers,
Are stabbing you at once,
It may bleed if you stumble,
Or even when you're down.
But then through the darkness,
The web of confusion,
A single chance of hope,
A single ray of light.
It'll never last too long,
Mayhaps for just a second,
It'll tease you like a butterfly,
Fluttering past you only once.
But as soon as you see it,
The beauty of what could be,
The darkness seems too easy,
To conquer and defeat.
You may stumble and fall,
You may hurt and pain,
You may sadden and rage,
And even pricked and slayed.
But when you feel the pain,
You know you're on your way,
You know that at the other end,
That light of hope shall reign.
And even when we attain it,
It'll never last too long,
But in your heart you'll always know,
The light is yours to be found.
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