Remember when I said I'd talk more about the 'CinderElla revamped' musical....yeah....I'm not going to do it now. In fact, I think it would be abit more interesting if I actually revealed more about the characters in the musical first....hmmmm.....
(Before proceeding on with the planned schedule I must once again bring up that the date stated on the post before this is should have been 16th February....what am I doing wrong? I mean I know I'm new at this blogging...but messing up the dates? Man, technology must really hate me...)
Okay so right now, I am seated at Woodlands Regional library (I'm like spending 1/4 of my life here...) with my sis on my right and the boy who plays JET is seated diagonally across from my right. Yes, I'm insistent on directions as well. Learn to read over them.
So anyways, just to report in...there's a white man seated at the table in front of us. Typing away on his laptop with a headphone across his....head....he is constantly writing cryptic codes onto a graph book...
How do we know he's writing cryptic codes? How do we know it's in a graph book? - Yes all these questions must have run through your head at one point (or I'm just assuming they did).
Well....let's just say we have one really tall boy here who had to get up from our table to stretch near the man's yes...basically we spied...
I actually don't feel guilty. In fact I think we did a service to our nation. We suspected he was a terrorist. Don't start wagging your fingers at us just yet...hear the whole tale first.
He left his notebook and pencil box and grabbed his bag and just what else were we to think. Civil defense has taught us to check and not be ignorant. So we did. Rest assured he's not a terrorist. In fact he's back now. Typing and scribbling away. Creepiest part: He keeps staring at us...according to my sis he's an alien...(no valid explanation for that other than the fact that he keeps looking at us as though he's observing our human behaviour...personally I don't blame him...have you seen the way JET(tall skinny guy) behaves....)
Oh and yes....JET (Tall Skinny Boy) thinks the man might be the the prodigy of Osama...the blue- eyed, white skinned version...
Okay on to interviewing JET and Tall Skinny boy (the guy playing JET)....we'll interview both of them...just so you get a feel of the man (heh heh heh) behind the character 'JET'
Me: So you ready for the interview?
JET: okay.
Me: Okay, so describe your character in three words.
JET: funky, bombastic, oddly enough shiny (looks away at every word...)
Me: Hmmm interesting. What would you say is your favourite food?
Me: food.
JET: nasi lemak....Jet is a boring character...omg...
Me: Do you love Pixie (his co-star) as much as you say you do?
JET: No....(smiles weirdly)...actually yes...actually I don't know...I'm going through a hard time in my life....with the divorce and all....
Me: Okay, I'm going to say two words, just pick one.
JET: okay.
Me: Ellen or Oprah?
JET: Ellen.
Me: Heidi or Tyra:
JET: Tyra (with a weird look on his face....)
My sis: huh? you so weird...
JET: Who are they? Tyra Banks?
Me: yes
JET: then who's Heidi? the guy from disney channel? the guy with the burning hair? (good god...I stop trying to explain who Hades is and who Heidi is...)
Me: Pixie or food?
JET: f...Pixie. Because wherever Pixie is there's food.
Me: Chris Brown or Rhiana?
JET: Chris Brown. (i begin to think JET's gay)
Me: Short or Tall?
JET: Tall (huge surprise)
Me: Okay.
Me: Ready?
TSB: same questions again?
Me: No!!!!
TSB: Okay...I feel so thoughts are being...
Me: Shut up...and answer....
Me: Can you rap?
TSB: Yes...but not so well...
Me: What do you like to rap about?
TSB: My life (looks whimsical) and about how pathetic and sad it is....
Me: Do you think Obama will make a good president?
TSB: (breathes in heavily) he's i don't know...he says he has a plan....we'll least he's not a red neck...
Me: What do you think about the fight between Rhiana and Chris Brown?
TSB: I think she set him's all part of her plan.
Me: What plan?
TSB: I don't know....maybe she's just crazy over him...and then....and's like a indian mega serial...(tries to peak over to see what is being typed....*hand is smacked*)
Me: Do you really think you're an OCP (person who takes food from others without asking) or do you think you're just misunderstood?
TSB: (rolls eyes) I am not an OCP (with so much conviction) but why pay for something you ca get for free.
Me: Okay, I'm going to say one word, just tell me the first word that pops into your head.
TSB: okay...looks blankly into space....
Me: White man.
TSB: George Bush.
Me: Food.
TSB: Lobster (drools)
Me: Dance.
TSB: hip hop (crazy smile on his face...never knew he had a tooth sticking out)
Me: Black.
TSB: Me?
Me: what?
Me: Music.
TSB: Uh....rap... (looks confused)
Me: Purple.
TSB: purple?
Me: yes.
TSB: night.
Me: huh why?
TSB: I don't know.
My Sis: Why the hell does purple remind you of night?
Me: forget it.
Me: Blue eyed terrorist.
TSB: (says something that i can't write down....) Homosexual....paedophile....
Me: Library.
TSB: Uh...noisy...
Me: Is it because my sis is here? (she answered her phone awhile back)
TSB: Yes.
Me: My sis.
TSB: Ugly...
My sis: What! How dare you! How long have you been my friend?!?! (throws a punch)
TSB: What! I'm just speaking my mind!
(Begins hurting each other by biting and pinching and whacking)
My sis: You hurt my hand!
TSB: No I didn't!
My sis: You hurt me! (holds out her pinky finger and behaves in a spastic manner)
(TSB answers the phone and speaks rather loudly...obviously the interview has ended...)
Oh of the best interviews in my life....well done....
I need to find another table and a better interviewee who doesn't start fighting with my sis half way...
Till next time : )
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