Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why Women Are Single

Here are my top 10 carefully worded reasons why single women are....well.....single.

She's single because...

1) HER FATHER WAS ABUSIVE and hence she is turned off to most men. Generally these females become strippers as intelligently proven by the famous Chris Rock in this video here. He's rich. He can't be wrong.:

2) She is single because she is FOCUSED ON HER CAREER NOW. Bullshit! Oh please. If she's focused on her career then she should give up ties with her mum, her dad and anyone else she has a relationship with. Seriously? Focusing on your career? Gentlemen. Know this. That line is just an excuse females use for they fear getting into a relationship hence they hide behind their careers as cover.

3) She is single because of HER PARENTS. No explanation required. Especially if you are an Indian girl.

4) She is single because NO ONE HAS ASKED HER OUT BEFORE. That can be a real turn off for a chick. If no one has ever asked her out before then she's going to feel inadequate and unsure if she's attractive enough. Here's 2 possiblities as to why she has never been asked out before: a) She's too intimidating. b) The guys around her are generally cowards or gay. Because every female is attractive in some way and deserves to be asked out for that reason.

5) She is single because SHE IS CONFUSED ABOUT HER SEXUAL PREFERENCES. It's true.

6) She is single because ONLY WEIRD GUYS ASK HER OUT.

7) She is single because SHE'S A HOPELESS ROMANTIC and nothing would do short of a knight with a devastating smile in shining armour who will gallop towards her in a black Arabian horse and would love her as she would him till the end of eternity. A castle would help too.

8) She is single because SHE'S A GOLD DIGGER and that turns off most men. Shocking. You would think the male species would be okay with that as long as she's hot and isn't turned off to sex. I'm just saying.

9) She is single because SHE'S A COUNTRY SINGER and they are generally picky with their men because they fall into the No. 7 category.

10) She is single because SHE IS A NUN.

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