Friday, September 3, 2010


WARNING: THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG LONG LONG POST. (The writer will try to infuse pictures and colours and quotes to make it more interesting ; ) ) This long post is a result of the short time I have left in Singapore before I leave overseas to UK to complete my studies. There! I've finally stated it on my blog. I realised I was subconciously not posting on my blog because I didn't yet want to accept the fact that I was going. But not that I have, it's time to get posting ; )

So to begin with, so much much much has happened in the time that I've disappeared from my blog. But now I'm ready to blog about everything and I really mean EVERYTHING. So brace yourself : )

A)  I've been thinking alot recently, some unnecessary but thinking all the same. And it's come to my attention that I have met many different types of people in my life and there's a particular difference between one half and another. One half, actually wants some great and fantastical out of life, wanting to push the boundaries and test the waters while another half, want to play it safe and assume a safe role in life, with a simple path. I try to understand how and why some people can readily accept the simple life. 
  • See, in the villages and tribes, the people there are not exposed to the outside world. So, why would someone like them want something more than the life they have if they don't know what more they can get? 
  • But then, there are those who know what the world has to offer. They know what can be attained and the possibilities that lie out there. And yet, they choose not to run after that and prefer to keep the simple life. Why? Why would you do that if you knew there could be more? 
  • It's almost like the question someone once asked my friends and I: "If you were attached to this person A for 4 years and your relationship has been going well and you suddenly meet this person B whom you come to feel is your soul mate, what would you do?"
Instantly, I answered, "Leave person A for B because I believe in soul mates and ofcourse there's the other fact that if Person B were my soul mate, then isn't it true that person A's soulmate wasn't me and his was still out there? And by breaking off with him, wouldn't I be giving him the chance to find his soulmate?"
However, my brother had a different answer. He said, "I'd stay with Person A! We spent alot of time growing our relationship and I'm not about to give up on what we have. I also have a duty to this person. So I'd ignore Person B."
  •  You see, my brother prefers to keep it simple, sticking with the person he had been building a relationship with while I believe in going after what's out there because I believe there's more to life than just simplicity. I don't scoff at my brother's ideals, in fact I respect him for that because he knows what he wants and he seems to relish the fact of achieving them one day. I just can't imagine the same for me. 
  • I think I'd actually die if I ended up leading a simple life. See as much as getting married to a man my family knows, having a nice job with a nice salary and having kids before I turn 26 sounds appealing to many, it doesn't sound at all to me. Don't get me wrong. I want to have kids, 4 in fact, just like my mum because as Jane Howard said, "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
 B) AFT has become a BIG part of my life. In fact, one day, if they'd all want, we could convert it into a private company.

  • Leaving AFT had to be one of the hardest things I've done. It was such a huge part of my life and will continue to be even after I leave. When I first started this arts group, I never thought how important it would become to me. But it has and it's not only like a 2nd family to me, it actually holds a symbolic meaning of dreams coming alive. It's living proof that if you have an idea, any idea and enough passion to fuel it, that idea will take form an become real. It has proven to me the capabilities of the mind and whatever a group of youths can achieve together.

  • "CinderElla Revamped" had to be the turning point in my life in many ways. I've never really talked about it with people or blogged about it but it definitely was. Nothing can compare to that first time rush you get when trying to accomplish something that others deem unworthy of their time. And I was impressed the group of youths who stepped forward, willing to embrace a raw idea. I've come to belief that this line delivered by the lead actress in the movie "Fighting Temptations" is in line with my point here: "The hateful people you meet in life, the ones that criticize you and ridicule you, are like sandpapers. And you're a diamond in the rough. These sandpapers will rub you with their hurtful words but at the end of the day, from all the rubbing, you turn out to be a sparkling diamond while that sandpaper is going to wither away into nothing."  
  •  I'm leaving with Serena in charge of AFT and I trust her abilities but more importantly I trust her mind and the passion that she has within her. She knows the choice I had between having her as chairman and well...having her as chairman ; ) Sameer still has some years to grow but he'd make a fine choice someday : ) SO SERENA IF YOU'RE READING THIS, NO MORE DISAPPEARING ACTS! Thanks : )
  • Naathan is left as the Director of Peter Pan and he has lived up to the expectations of that role. And Naathan, it will get harder as it gets closer to the date. In fact, it is going to come to a point where you feel yourself making life changing decisions. You're going to meet people who are going to piss you off but make you stronger and meet people who are going to stand by your side through it all. But most of all, you're going to discover the person you could become as time goes by. With that my friend, I leave you with these words, "Don't let anyone tamper with the believes and passion you hold for there will be those who will try to extinguish that flame. Guard it close and ensure that you blossom from your believes and passion because at the end of the day, not only must the people around you benefit and grow from this experience, you must too."
  • To the core team of AFT; Thana, Kanitha, Henry, Sameer, Colin, Yoga, Prabs, Praven, Idham, KC and Ghauthaman,  thank you for trusting in my to follow my ideals and for sticking around long enough to see AFT grow to what its become. It took a lot of vision from the team of you'll to actually believe that AFT was going to be something someday. I hope that AFT will carry on progressing forward as it was meant to and that you'd be around to witness it's growth as well as your own. Good luck guys : )

I'm really going to miss you guys.

(I realise how much I have to write and as such, this is going to be the end of part 1 of the Long Post and part 2 shall be up soon.)

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