This entire week has been a mad rush of making decisions and carrying out several tasks. And on top of that Soundwave's performance is at the top of my list. Gah. Even energy that is reserved for agitation is at an all time low. I'm losing weight for no apparent reason. And yes, it's only on my face. The rest of me is ever : )
Alrighty then updates. I've entered a 24 hour script writing competition. We'll see how that goes...I'm really asking for it. Seriously. All things considered if I were to die of exhaustion or over taxation, I place the entire blame on myself.
And then ofcourse, there's the whole spend more time with every family member and friend. That's eating up time as well. But it's time well spent.
Then ofcourse there's Yathra, National University of Singapore's production. We're helping out because we're paying $1000 to take all or atleast whatever we want (SETS) from them. This includes the equipment as well.
Gah. Energy being drained at the thought of it. So there are other things but most of all, I'm disappointed in my writing : ( I'm having writer's block on both my blog and book. Sigh. I need to find inspiration again else my thoughts shall wither away in less than beautiful words.
Oh and Happy Belated Birthday Yoga. : )
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