So like I mentioned previously, Arteen Furteens (AFT) performed at SHINE awards ceremony. Here are some of the pictures from the 29th of May 2010:
It was definitely loads of fun and now it's over. After that, I refused to touch the younger AFTians for they were having papers or had alot to catch up on. Besides, I had my birthday party to work on. Yes peeps, my 21st Masquerade Party on the 5th of June 2010. Masquerade! Always loved that concept and finally had one.
This was how I felt on that day.
It was a mad rush and my mind was in a flurry. Everything seemed up but at the same time undone. Worry flooded through, trapping any other possible emotion from emerging. It was impossible. It seemed impossible. How were we to get this all done by 6.30pm?
But then I saw my brother standing upon a chair, balancing himself, as he attempted to string up twinkling lights and my mother, tying up bunches of balloons, my sister and cousins, slaving away as they tied ribbons to cupcakes, my cousin, putting up a gorgeous masterpiece and my youngest sibling, pitching a tent. And in that moment, I knew, there was no choice but to make it work.
Clipping back my hair, that I had done at the saloon and was probably going to be messed up before the party even started, I trudged into it all and a mad dash soon began. I was either shouting orders or receiving them. 6pm arrived and my cousin sister started yelling at me to follow her in order to get dressed up. I would then beg for 5 more minutes to finish some things up. 5 soon turned into 15 minutes and I was evantually dragged away. I stared forlornly at the half mess I was leaving behind as I headed to the dressing room. As I pulled on my dress and unclipped my hair, I strained my ears for any sound of indication that the mess was cleared, But I heard none. My cousin sister soon sat me down and applied my worst enemy, makeup. I don't hate makeup. I just hate the waiting one has to do while being applied with it. I mean a touch of lipgloss and a dash of blusher should be sufficient right? Wrong.
So as I sat there waiting for the make up to be done, I pounded my other cousin sisters endlessly asking them if something was done or if I suddenly recalled a task, I'd yelp at them to get it done. I wanted my guests to enjoy themselves. That was the whole purpose of my party. I enjoy seeing other people enjoy themselves.
Then, after a straining hour or so, my makeup was done. Swiftly, I adorned my mask and all but scrambled from the room to check if the venue was ready. And my god. It was : )

There are so many people I have to thank. First of course would be my two buddies, Yoga and Naathan who emceed for me. Thank you very much guys : ) You'll were brilliant and hilarious. You made it great. And ofcourse Yoga, thank you for being the human ladder at some moments.

To Prateepan for the collage that you did and ofcourse to Sathim and you for the wonderful work at the kids' corner : )

To Kanitha who although was a guest assisted in the last minute decoration of the place. Thanks dear!
To everyone who got me wonderful gifts ; )
And to mum and dad who paid for my least we got back half of what we spent! haha But thanks to them for finding the perfect venue.
So that was my 21st Masquerade Party
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