Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Day on Earth Has Been Shortened

2004: Earthquake in Asia caused the Earth to move by around seven centimeters and chopped an estimated 6.8 microseconds off the length of a day, NASA said.

2010: Powerful earthquake that shook Chiles on Saturday caused the Earth's axis to shift by eight centimeters. A day would have shortened by 1.26 microseconds, Gross calculated.

You can check out the link above for the full article.
Odd isn't it? But a few microseconds are not going to affect you. You needn't change the time on your watch or  adjust the clocks at home. However, I was just thinking. If every large scale earthquake could possibly shift the Earth's axis by abit, wouldn't a day on Earth shorten terribly in total for all the major earthquakes we've had over the Millenium?

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