Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Minutes to the Test

So I'm sitting here at a desktop at AS7 in NUS, surfing the net while Serena's printing her theatre essay- a critique on the play "Manhood". Mine's printed, safely tucked away in my bag although not in a file as my mum would have preferred. Nay. I have slipped it between my organiser in hope that the pages will not fold.

Anyways, before I rattle on, I'm sitting here trying to squeeze in as many words as possible before Serena returns and the two of us have to leave for lunch. Yes lunch. At 10am.

I've got a test at 12pm and my nerves are acting up! Dash it all.

I've studied for it but there's always that possibility of not doing well. Ya know what's the best part, I've got a tutorial from 11am to 12pm and then I have to rush to my test which is half way across the campus...Wish me luck...

wow...I actually thought Serena would be back by now...apparently I can squeeze in a few more words...oh wait she's back...

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